This webpage is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the Miami University website or intranet. IP addresses are stripped from Internet based communications to ensure that anonymity is maintained. Hotline calls are not recorded.
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Miami University and the Miami University Foundation are committed to conducting affairs ethically and in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations as well as university policy. Each member of the faculty and staff is expected to share in this responsibility.

The University is also committed to preventing, detecting and correcting violations of law and university policy. These violations most often result from lack of information, inadvertence, or mistake. On rare occasions violations are the result of deliberate misconduct. Illegal, unethical or otherwise inappropriate behavior in violation of Miami policies is not acceptable.

This procedure has been developed to provide a process for good faith reporting of violations of law or regulations or otherwise inappropriate behavior in violation of Miami policies.

Internal Reporting

Employees and students are expected to report good faith concerns about illegal, unethical, or otherwise inappropriate behavior in violation of Miami policies. Employees are encouraged to report their concerns immediately to their supervisor, the appropriate Vice President, or the President. Students are encouraged to report their concerns to the Dean of Students, Vice President for Student Affairs, or the President.

The University expects all faculty and staff to report suspected criminal conduct occurring on University property or involving Miami faculty, staff, or students to the Miami University Police Department at 513-529-2222.

Persons who do not feel comfortable making an internal report may make an anonymous report to EthicsPoint by calling the Toll-Free HOTLINE at 1-866-294-9544 or in writing by clicking on "MAKE A REPORT".

EthicsPoint is not a 911 or Emergency service. Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. If you need emergency assistance call 911.

Miami University encourages you to return to this website in 5-7 business days using the report key assigned by EthicsPoint and your private password. The University may have information for you or may need additional information to investigate the allegation.

Investigation and Resolution

All employees and students are expected to cooperate truthfully in the University's investigation of reports. Appropriate University officials will promptly address all good faith reported concerns.

This Hotline service is not a substitute for any existing reporting methods at Miami University. This Hotline should not be used to report the following kinds of issues in which you are personally involved:

  • Discrimination
  • Sexual or Other Protected Class Based Harassment
  • Faculty Grievances
  • Staff Grievances
  • Union Grievances

Retaliation Prohibited

The University will use its best efforts to protect those who, in good faith, report suspected illegal, unethical or otherwise inappropriate behavior in violation of Miami policies. No employee will suffer adverse employment action (retaliation) as a result of making a report.