Attention! This web page is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the Snow College web site or intranet.

Snow College chose EthicsPoint as a reporting tool that assists the College community in working together to address fraud, abuse, misconduct, and other violations, while helping to cultivate a positive environment. EthicsPoint provides you with simple ways to report, anonymously or otherwise, activities that may involve unethical, criminal, or inappropriate activity or behaviors in violation of College policies or law. The system provides a formal mechanism for investigation, follow-up, and response. Protected disclosures and investigatory records will be kept confidential to the extent possible, consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation, and in accordance with open records legislation. You may file a report through EthicsPoint on this Web site or by telephoning toll-free 888-399-0376. Please remember that anonymity is an option.

The College is dedicated to providing all of us with a safe, secure, and ethical place to be. Every person shares in the responsibility for promoting a positive environment. The College considers concerns very important and appreciates your participation and cooperation in resolving such issues.

The EthicsPoint reporting system does not replace existing reporting systems on campus. Individuals are encouraged to bring concerns to their supervisor, Human Resources, where EEO/Affirmative Action are housed, the Title IX Office, or other campus entities as appropriate and resolve problems or disputes throughout established channels whenever possible.

The College guarantees that reports will be handled timley and discreetly with facts made available only to those who need to know to investigate and resolve the matter. No retaliatory action will be taken against anyone for honest reporting or inquiring about potential breaches of the College's policies or seeking guidance with respect to suspected concerns. All reports will be given careful consideration by the College.

To Make a Report

You may use either of the following two methods to submit a report:
  • Dial toll-free, within the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico and Canada: 888-399-0376
  • or
  • Select the appropriate category from the list to the right

After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key". Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. The College encourages you to return to this Web site after 5-6 business days of filing a report, by using the report key assigned by EthicsPoint and your private password. The College may have information for you regarding your report or may request additional information from you that is necessary in order to complete the investigation. In any case, your identity will be protected by EthicsPoint.

Scroll down for additional categories
Accounting & Financial
Accounting and Auditing Matters, Donor Stewardship, Falsification of Contracts, Reports or Records, Fraud, Improper Disclosure of Financial Records , Improper Giving or Receiving of Gifts, Improper Supplier or Contractor Activity, Theft / Embezzlement, Waste, Abuse or Misuse of Institute Resources, or other similar issues.
Fraudulent Activities, Improper Giving or Gifts, Inappropriate Activities, Misuse of Assets, Players or Endorsements, Recruiting Misconduct, Scholarship / Financial Aid Misconduct, Sexual Misconduct, Substance Abuse, or other similar issues.
Human Resources
Conflict of Interest, Discrimination or Harassment, EEOC or ADA Matters, Employee Benefits Abuses, Employee Misconduct, Nepotism, Offensive or Inappropriate Communication, Sexual Harassment, Threat or Inappropriate Supervisor Directive, Time Abuse, Unsafe working conditions, Violence or Threat, Workers Compensation or Disability Benefits Abuses, or other similar issues.
Information Technology
Data Privacy/Integrity, Improper Use of Intellectual Property, Copyright Violations or Software Piracy, Malicious/Inappropriate Use of Technology, Misuse of Resources, Software Piracy/ Intellectual Property Infringement, or other similar issues.
Risk and Safety Matters
Confidentiality, Data Privacy, Disclosure of Confidential Information, Environmental and Safety Matters, Improper Supplier or Contractor Activity, Public Safety, Unsafe working conditions, or other similar issues.
EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service:
Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response.

If you require emergency assistance or wish to file a police report, contact campus police (Public Safety) directly by visiting or calling 435-283-7170.

Reports not accepted via this hotline service include:

  • Faculty Grievances/Appeals
    For Faculty Grievances/Appeals, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs at (435) 283-7300.
  • Staff Grievances/Appeals
    For Staff Grievances/Appeals, please contact the Human Resources Director at (435) 283-7058.
  • Title IX Appeals
    For Title IX Appeals, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Student Success at (435) 283-7100.

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