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Sie befinden sich derzeit in der vertraulichen und sicheren Berichterstattungsstruktur von EthicsPoint. Weiter unten können Sie aus einer Liste von verschiedenen Verstößen auswählen. Bitte klicken Sie auf den Pfeil (), um die Art des Verstoßes auszuwählen, über den Sie berichten möchten.
AIS Healthcare
Accounting and Financial
Accounting and Auditing Matters
Billing and Coding Issues
Securities Violations
Compliance with Laws and Standards
Emergency Medical Treatment and Fair Labor Act (EMTALA) Matters
Excluded/Sanctioned Provider Matters
Disclosure of Confidential Information
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Fraud and Theft
Conflict of Interest
Falsification of Contracts, Reports or Records
Gifts and Donations
Gifts and Entertainment
Improper Lobbying or Political Contribution
Harassment and Inappropriate Behavior
Discrimination or Harassment
Misconduct or Inappropriate Behavior
Sabotage or Vandalism
Substance Abuse
Violence or Threat
Misuse of Company Resources
Unauthorized/Fraudulent Use of Company Facilities and Equipment
Patient Care and Patient Rights
Patient Abuse/Physical
Patient Abuse/Verbal
Patient Care
Patient's Rights
Physician Relations
Physician Payment and Referral Concerns
Clinical Trials
Research or Educational Grant Misconduct
Sales, Marketing, and Advertising Practices
Best Price and Other Price Reporting
Misuse of Product Samples
PhRMA Code on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals
Questionable Discounts
Standards and Practices
Failure to Comply with Quality, Regulatory, or Manufacturing Standards