You are currently in the confidential and secure reporting structure of EthicsPoint. Below are the choices available to you. Please click on the arrow (Arrow Example) to select the type of report you would like to make.

McHenry County College
Risk & Safety Matters
Confidentiality Confidentiality refers to the protection of the institution's and our customer's non-public information and use of such information only for legitimate business purposes.
Data Privacy Refers to the technical, contractual, administrative and physical steps taken by the institution to protect against unauthorized access to and disclosure of personally identifiable data of employees and customers and other third parties that we possess.
Disclosure of Confidential Information Unlawful and unauthorized disclosure or use of sensitive information, not to be used other than for specifically identified purposes, to unauthorized individuals or for personal gain or advantage.
Environmental and Safety Matters Failure to meet the requirements of any applicable law, rule or regulation relating to the environment, working conditions or workplace safety, including, without limitation, regulations promulgated by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and similar agencies in other jurisdictions.
Improper Supplier or Contractor Activity Supplier or contractor activity in violation of corporate policies and procedures; improper supplier or contractor selection based on personal gain, improper negotiation or diversion of contract awards.
Improper Use of Intellectual Property, Copyright Violations or Software Piracy Unauthorized and unlawful disclosure of confidential business information including inventions, research and technical data, computer programs, trademarks, patents, copyrights, unpublished financial or pricing information and all related documentation.
Public Safety Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities immediately.
Sabotage or Vandalism Destruction of property (as tools or materials) or the hindering of manufacturing by discontented workers. (Examples include: Equipment destruction, stealing, work slowdown, computer virus)
Unsafe Working Conditions Failure to meet requirements needed to perform all duties in a secure environment. Potential areas of harm. (Examples include: environmental damage, OSHA, EPA, supervisor directive, poor housekeeping)