You are currently in the confidential and secure reporting structure of EthicsPoint. Below are the choices available to you. Please click on the arrow (Arrow Example) to select the type of report you would like to make.

Miami University - Financial
Mishandling of Donor Funds Mishandling of donor funds directed to the institution, including funds that may not have been used in accordance with the donor’s intentions and wishes.
Falsification of Contracts, Reports or Records Falsification of records consists of altering, falsifying, or forging all or any part of a document, contract or record for the purpose of gaining an advantage, or misrepresenting the value of the document, contract or record. Failure to complete and post or file data and reports required by law to governmental agencies.
Fraud The intentional misrepresentation or concealment of information in order to deceive, mislead, or acquire something of value. A fraud is an intentional deception perpetrated to secure an unfair gain. (Examples include: Violation of Policy, Sabotage)
Improper Disclosure of Financial Records Careless, unlawful or fraudulent conduct in recording, preparing, reporting, disclosing of either the value or the content of a contract, report, statement, document, record, or electronic file.
Theft The act of stealing; specifically: the felonious taking and removing of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it. To appropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use (Examples include: bookkeeping errors, misapplication of funds, and mishandling of cash)
Waste, Abuse or Misuse of University Resources Improper or unauthorized use of this institution's resources and technologies for personal gain.