You are currently in the confidential and secure reporting structure of EthicsPoint. Below are the choices available to you. Please click on the arrow (Arrow Example) to select the type of report you would like to make.

Miami University - Ethics
Conflict of Interest/Commitment A situation in which a person or a family member has a financial interest or non-financial interest that may compromise, or provide the incentive to compromise, the behavior in the conduct of the person’s duties at the institution, the person’s influence on decisions that the institution may make, or the person’s influence over his or her associates outside the institution. A conflict of interest may be real, potential or apparent.
Illegal Interest in a Contract With the exception of the employee's own employment contract; being a party to a contract with the Institution which results in financial benefits or liabilities to the employee or his or her family.
Improper Giving or Receiving of Gifts The giving, receiving or solicitation of items which could be reasonably interpreted as an effort to influence a business relationship or decision; items given, received or solicited for the benefit of an individual or an individual’s family or friends; items given, received or solicited during or in connection with contract negotiations; the acceptance of cash, checks, money order, vouchers, gift certificates, loans, products or services.