You are currently in the confidential and secure reporting structure of EthicsPoint. Below are the choices available to you. Please click on the arrow (Arrow Example) to select the type of report you would like to make.

Utah Valley University
Conflicts of Interest A conflict of interest exists when a university employee’s professional judgment or performance is biased or compromised by the employee’s non-university activities or interests. Conflicts may arise, for example, from competing time commitments, financial interests, or positions in outside organizations that could cause unsatisfactory performance or bias in the employee’s university responsibilities.
Employee Time, Payroll, or Benefits Abuses Misleading or deceptive actions, statements, or filings related to benefits or timecard abuses.
Employee Misconduct and/or Employment Concerns Involves any employee conduct that is in violation of the institution's code of conduct, ethics policy, faculty handbook or any other printed materials that constitute employee conduct.
Nepotism When an individual's family, friendships, or social relationships compromise their judgment, decisions, or actions in the workplace.
Supervisor Review Concerns Please use this category as part of the UVU Supervisor Review process. This should be used to report immediate concerns regarding your supervisor, or concerns you may be uncomfortable including in your supervisor review.