You are currently in the confidential and secure reporting structure of EthicsPoint. Below are the choices available to you. Please click on the arrow (Arrow Example) to select the type of report you would like to make.

Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District
Confidentiality Confidentiality refers to the protection of the Company's and our customer's non-public information and use of such information only for legitimate business purposes.
Conflict of Interest - Impaired Judgment Any employee acting in his/her official capacity in any matter where such employee, a family member, or a business organization in which the employee has an interest or direct or indirect financial or personal involvement that might reasonably be expected to impair his/her objectivity or independence of judgment.
Conflict of Interest - Unwarranted Privileges Any employee using or attempting to use his/her official position to secure unwarranted privileges or advantages for himself/herself, family members, or other persons.
Contracting - Appointed Official Pursuit of any MSD contract, agreement or purchase by an appointed officials, or business organization in which an appointed official has an interest, during the appointed official's term or 12 months after his/her term ends.
Contracting - Employee Pursuit of any MSD contract, agreement or purchase by an employee, or business organization in which an employee has an interest, during the employee's employment or 3 months after his/her employment ends.
Employment and Business Solicitations Any employee that has direct contact with a business organization that conducts business with MSD and has solicited employment from that business organization during his/her employment with MSD; or any employee that has been solicited for potential employment by a business organization with which he/she has a direct contact and the solicitation was not disclosed to his/her supervisor.
Falsification of Contracts, Reports or Records Falsification of records consists of altering, fabricating, falsifying, or forging all or any part of a document, contract or record for the purpose of gaining an advantage, or misrepresenting the value of the document, contract or record.
Fraud, Waste, and Abuse The intentional misrepresentation or concealment of information in order to deceive, mislead, or acquire something of value. A fraud is an intentional deception perpetrated to secure an unfair gain. (Examples include: violation of policy, sabotage)
Gifts and Entertainment Refers to the inappropriate offering, solicitation or accepting of items of more than $50 in value from vendors, customers or other third parties in a capacity as an employee of the Company.
Improper Payments The direct or indirect offering or taking of any form of illegal or improper payments or inducements to obtain favorable treatment or retain existing business including the direct or indirect offering or authorization of bribes, kickbacks, unreported facilitating payments, gifts or favors to any person in a position of authority for purposes of obtaining or retaining business, influencing an official act or decision, or inducing an official to do or not to do any act in violation of the individual's official duties.
Misuse of Authority Any perceived misuse of supervisory authority including abuse of power and financial transactions.
Misconduct or Inappropriate Behavior Intentional wrongdoing; specifically: deliberate violation of a law or standard.
Use of MSD Property and Equipment Use or theft of MSD’s equipment, telephones, computers, materials or other property for personal gain or profit.
Nepotism - Business Any employee that has not disclosed the identity of a family member employed by a contractor, consultant, vendor, or any other company or firm doing business with MSD.
Nepotism - Family A family member of an employee has been given preference for employment in a case where a more qualified person has made application for the same position. Any employee that exercises direct supervisory or contract management authority over any member of his/her family.
Outside Activities/Moonlighting Any employee that is employed or involved in activity which may prejudice his/her independence of judgment in the exercise of his/her official duties. Any employee that accepts compensation from a person or entity which he/she has involvement as part of his/her official position with MSD.
Override of Internal Controls Any disregard, misapplication, violation or override of Company internal controls.
Procurement and Purchasing Practices Refers to any violation of Corporate Policy governing procurement and purchasing practices.
Theft The act of stealing; specifically: the felonious taking and removing of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it.
Retaliation Any action that discourages, interferes with, or discriminates against an employee who reports facts or information of a violation of the Ethics Policies or any law, rule or regulation, suspected mismanagement, waste, fraud, abuse of authority, or a substantial danger to public health or safety.
Other Company Asset Concerns Any Company asset concerns not specifically addressed by the other categories.