The categories below are based on PCC’s Code of Conduct and PCC’s Financial Code of Professional Conduct, available at (click “PCC Corporate Center” and then “Corporate Governance”) or from your local HR representative.

You are currently in the confidential and secure reporting structure of EthicsPoint. Below are the choices available to you. Please click on the arrow (Arrow Example) to select the type of report you would like to make.

Accounting, Internal Controls and Auditing Matters Reports concerning financial policy violations, questionable accounting, non-compliance with internal accounting controls and auditing matters. Examples include: misstatement of revenues, expenses or assets; misapplication of GAAP principles, fictitious or falsified transaction entries; noncompliance with Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX); failure to cooperate with internal and external auditors.
Compliance with International Trade and Antitrust Laws Reports of noncompliance with international trade laws including those governing imports and exports, boycotts and embargoes; reports of possible antitrust violations.
Conflicts of Interest Reports of actions taken by employees based on personal, business or financial interests that conflict or may appear to conflict with the individual’s responsibilities to PCC or PCC’s best interests.
Electronic Communications Reports of misuse of data prepared, transmitted or received via the Company’s computer or other electronic communications systems including the sending or reviewing of harassing, threatening, discriminating, obscene or inappropriate messages or jokes or pornographic materials.
Environmental Matters Reports of improper handling, release or disposal of pollutants, hazardous waste or toxic substances; failure to comply with environmental laws and regulations.
Falsification of Company Records Reports concerning the altering, falsifying or forging of any company document; providing false information that intentionally hides or disguises the true nature of any transaction or activity; signing any document believed to be inaccurate or untruthful.
Government Contracts Reports concerning unauthorized departures from contract requirements; submitting inaccurate cost or pricing data or charging incorrect costs; violating government restrictions on gratuities, recruiting and hiring.
Gifts, Loans and Entertainment Reports concerning the improper soliciting, giving or receiving of gifts, favors, loans or entertainment to or from customers, suppliers, U.S. government employees or other foreign officials in violation of Company policy and laws prohibiting or restricting such activities.
Improper Payments Reports of offering, accepting or facilitating bribes, kickbacks, payoffs or other unusual or improper payments to obtain or keep private sector or government business, all of which is unethical, illegal and strictly forbidden at PCC.
Insider Trading Reports of possible violations of PCC’s insider trading policy which prohibits the purchase or sale of PCC or other stock on the basis of material, non-public information; includes the communication of material, non-public information to others so they may buy or sell PCC or other stock.
Manufacturing Quality Products Reports concerning improper or unauthorized departures from customer instructions and specifications; failure to perform any required test or inspection or maintain accurate and complete records of manufactured products; failure to cooperate with customer and government audits.
Political Contributions Reports of noncompliance with laws restricting contributions by PCC to federal, state and local candidates and to foreign officials or countries.
Confidential and Proprietary Information Reports of unauthorized or improper disclosure of PCC or customer/supplier confidential or proprietary information to outside companies or individuals.
Retaliation Reports of noncompliance with PCC policy strictly prohibiting retaliation against any employee for raising or helping to address, in good faith, a suspected violation of the Code of Conduct, the Financial Code of Professional Conduct or any company policy.
Safe and Responsible Workplaces Reports of unaddressed and serious unsafe or hazardous work conditions; unlawful discrimination or harassment and violence; failure to maintain a drug-free work environment.