You are currently in the confidential and secure reporting structure of EthicsPoint. Below are the choices available to you. Please click on the arrow (Arrow Example) to select the type of report you would like to make.

Canon Australia Pty Ltd
(Canon Oceania)
Accounting & Auditing Matters Unethical systematic recording and analysis of the business and financial transactions, including:
- misstatement of revenues
- misstatement of expenses
- misstatement of assets
- misapplications of GAAP principles
- wrongful transactions
Competition and Consumer Concerns Breaches of Competition Law, including:
- Exclusive dealing
- Resale Price Maintenance
- Price Fixing
- Collective Boycotts
- Third Line Forcing
- Misleading and Deceptive Conduct, including material omissions, misleading statements and false claims.
Confidentiality Direct or indirect divulging of confidential information to any individual or party; during or after employment, or engagement with Canon. Confidential information includes:
- documents that fall within the scope of being 'Trade Secrets' according to Canon policy
- legal documents
- customer lists/databases
- sales & marketing information
- financial & accounting information
- strategy documents
- employee information
- terms of business & financial arrangements
- confidential communications
- policy manuals
- any other information disclosed on a confidential basis.
Conflict of Interest Undertaking external work without prior approval or other activities which could cause a conflict with Canon responsibilities and obligations. Including:
- Anything competitive with Canon activities
- Investment in or ownership of competitors, customers or suppliers
- Dealing in Canon equipment or goods
- Any private or public work duties that could interfere with their performance as an employee or contractor of Canon
- Any work for a third party which might impede their responsibilities to Canon.
Discrimination, Harassment and Equal Opportunity Any behaviour that is unwanted, not asked for and not returned. May be offensive, intimidating or humiliating; including violence, sexual harassment and bullying.
Including (in accordance with relevant Federal and State Acts) the conducting of activities with a bias relating, but not limited to: race, sex, marital status, disability, family/career responsibilities, sexuality, age, pregnancy, breastfeeding, impairment or disability, political belief/activity, religious belief/activity, medical records, union membership or association.
Fraud and Theft Misuse of Canon resources, including:
- Sending/receiving inappropriate communications
- Performing external work/soliciting non-Canon business on premises or during normal working hours
- Use of company funds/assets/data transmission for non-Canon activity without prior approval
- Company payments/transactions made without proper authorisation or record keeping
- Intentional computer virus infection
- Not maintaining adequate security for company items in possession
- Provision of unauthorised company references
- Provision of inappropriate or large gifts to customers or suppliers.
- Altering, fabricating, falsifying, or forging all or any part of a document to gain advantage or misrepresent information
- Misrepresentation of authority
- Any activity that is prohibited by law or a deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain.
Health, Safety and Environment Violation of any health, safety or environmental law, regulation, corporate policy or procedure including:
- A breach of Canon's duty of care to maintain a safe workplace for employees contractors and visitors
- the inappropriate handling and disposal of hazardous materials or e-waste
- Causing environmental damage.
Improper Giving or Receiving of Gifts or Entertainment The giving, receiving or solicitation of items that could reasonably be interpreted as an effort to influence a business relationship or decision, or the provision or participation in inappropriate entertainment events.
Inventions, Copyright & Designs Including:
- non-disclosure of every invention, design or work, or other intellectual property developed or perfected by an employee or contractor during employment or engagement which is in any way connected with Canon
- Unauthorised copying, distribution or use of any third party material, including images, video, software, written materials and other intellectual property
- Failure to disclose knowledge of a law relating to software copying or intellectual property having been breached upon request of a relevant law enforcement agency.
Misconduct or Inappropriate Behaviour Failure to act within the law, with honesty, integrity and with professionalism. Including:
- Substance abuse impacting on work performance
- Sabotage or vandalism
- Misleading sales & marketing
Privacy A breach of the Federal Privacy Act, relating to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information without that person's consent. Example situations include:
- making copies of personal information for future reference
- disclosing personal information to people outside of the consented business process.
Violation of Policy Deliberate or unintentional actions that are in direct violation of company policy, procedures, code of conduct, and/or implied contractual responsibilities.
Violence or Threat Violence is an expression of the intention to inflict evil, injury, or damage to a person or their property. (Examples include: direct, veiled, conditional, violent)
Other If you feel that the definitions above do not describe the event, action or situation you are looking to report about, please use this category.