You are currently in the confidential and secure reporting structure of EthicsPoint. Below are the choices available to you. Please click on the arrow (Arrow Example) to select the type of report you would like to make.

Academic Affairs
  • Academic Misconduct
  • Alcohol / Drug Abuse
  • Cheating / Plagiarism
  • Credentials Misrepresentation
  • Hazing
  • Student Safety
  • Student Travel
  • Other Academic Affairs Matters
Accounting and Financial
  • Accounting and Auditing Matters
  • Donor Stewardship
  • Falsification of Contracts, Reports or Records
  • Fraud
  • Improper Disclosure of Financial Records
  • Improper Giving or Receiving of Gifts
  • Improper Supplier or Contractor Activity
  • Theft / Embezzlement
  • Waste, Abuse or Misuse of Institution Resources
  • Other Financial Matters
Human Resources
  • Bias Incidents
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Discrimination or Harassment
  • EEOC or ADA Matters
  • Employee Benefits Abuses
  • Employee Misconduct
  • Nepotism
  • Offensive or Inappropriate Communication
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Threat or Inappropriate Supervisor Directive
  • Time Abuse
  • Unsafe Working Conditions
  • Violence or Threat
  • Workers Compensation or Disability Benefits Abuses
  • Other Human Resource Matters
Information Technology
  • Data Privacy/Integrity
  • Malicious / Inappropriate Use of Technology
  • Misuse of Resources
  • Software Piracy/Intellectual Property Infringement
  • Other Information Technology Matters
  • Patient Care - Failure of those responsible for patient care to properly attend to the every day needs of a patient.
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Data Privacy
  • Environmental and Safety Matters
  • Fraud
  • Human Research
  • Intellectual Property Infringement, Misappropriation or Disclosure
  • Research Grant Misconduct or Misappropriation of Costs
  • Scientific Misconduct
  • Other Research Matters
Risk and Safety Matters
  • Confidentiality
  • Data Privacy
  • Disclosure of Confidential Information
  • Environmental and Safety Matters
  • Improper Supplier or Contractor Activity
  • Improper Use of Intellectual Property, Copyright Violations or Software Piracy
  • Sabotage or Vandalism
  • Unsafe Working Conditions
  • Other Risk and Safety Matters
  • Other
  • Suggestion
  • Concern
  • Inquiry