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University of Hartford
Student Concerns
ADA Matters Failure to meet requirements as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Examples include: reasonable accommodations or accessibility of buildings.
Alcohol / Drug Abuse The misuse of both legal and illegal drugs, including alcohol. Examples include: cocaine, narcotics, marijuana, and stimulants.
Discrimination or Bias Incidents A speech, act, or harassing action that targets, threatens, or attacks an individual or group because of their actual or perceived race, color, national origin, ethnicity, age, marital status, religious affiliation, sex, gender identity or expression, disability, sexual orientation, veteran status, genetic information or any other protected class based on applicable law. Examples include: bias in hiring, bias in assignments, bias in promotions, bias in educational decisions, unfair compensation, inappropriate language, use of retaliation, retribution, or wrongful termination.
Hazing The demeaning of a student through physical or mental means for the purpose of initiations in, or acceptance into a group.
Intellectual Property Infringement Any unauthorized or inappropriate use, misappropriation or disclosure of confidential information (in any form) or intellectual property belonging to the institution or any third party, including, without limitation, any intellectual property protected under any federal or state laws relating to copyrights, patents or trade secrets. Also includes any unauthorized or inappropriate use of any institution computer system.
Safety An unsafe situation caused by the campus or students that would produce an insecure environment. Examples include: environmental damage or handling and disposing of hazardous materials.
Sexual Harassment The making of unwanted and/or offensive sexual advances or of sexually offensive remarks or acts, especially by one in a superior or supervisory position or when acquiescence to such behavior is a condition of continued employment, promotion, or satisfactory evaluation.
Sexual Violence or Other Sexual Misconduct Sexual violence includes the threat of, attempted or actual sexual assault, including unwelcome sexual contact, and intimate partner violence, including domestic violence and dating violence. Other sexual misconduct includes stalking and sexual exploitation.
Student Travel Inadequate preparation for school sponsored travel excursions resulting in the potential for illness or hazard, injury or death. Can also include misappropriation of student resources.
Other Student Concerns Other matters of concern not specifically outlined above.