You are currently in the confidential and secure reporting structure of EthicsPoint. Below are the choices available to you. Please click on the arrow (Arrow Example) to select the type of report you would like to make.

Harvard University
Academic Misconduct Any type of behavior that violates established ethical standards and expectations in an academic setting including plagiarism, cheating, falsification, bestowing or seeking academic favors or advancements on the basis of friendship or gifts, and other unethical academic behaviors.
Athletic Integrity and Compliance Concerns regarding actions or behavior that violate established ethical guidelines, rules, and standards specific to the conduct of student-athletes, coaches, and athletic programs. May include, but is not limited to, recruitment, eligibility standards, substance abuse, academic support and performance, fair play and competition, financial aid and scholarships, and health and safety compliance.
Credentials Misrepresentation Falsifying, exaggerating, or otherwise dishonestly presenting qualifications, education, work history, certifications, skills, or professional accomplishments.
Discrimination and Harassment Adverse treatment of an individual based on, but not limited to, age, race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and gender expression, as well as pregnancy), genetic information, ancestry, religion, caste, creed, veteran status, disability, military service, sexual orientation, and political beliefs.
Financial Misconduct Any unauthorized, irregular or wasteful financial actions including, but not limited to, fraud, theft, embezzlement, improper giving or receiving of gifts or financial awards, mishandling of funds, unethical recording and analysis of financial transactions, falsification of financial reports or contracts, and the misuse of institutional resources.
Healthcare Concerns Concerns related to the healthcare services provided by the University such as quality of care, access to services, patient privacy and confidentiality, and/ or any type of behavior that violates established healthcare regulations and laws.
Human Resources Concerns Issues related to staff and faculty and their employment, workplace relations, and staff management. Concerns may include, but are not limited to, conduct in the work environment, the treatment of employees, and violation of workplace policies and standards as defined in employee handbooks, union contracts, etc.
Information Security and Technology Misconduct Concerns related to the safeguarding of data, secure use of technology, and appropriate utilization of University IT resources. Reports in this category may involve, but are not limited to, data privacy violations, data security breaches, malicious use of technology, inappropriate use of technology, unauthorized use of IT resources, and negligence in handling technology.
Intellectual Property Infringement Unauthorized or unlicensed use of creations or inventions that are protected by intellectual property rights such as copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets. Includes improper use of the Harvard logo and name.
Legal or Regulatory Violation Statements, conduct or actions that violate local, state, or federal laws, as well as breaches of industry-specific regulations. This includes non-compliance with educational regulations, labor laws, environmental laws, and other statutory requirements. May also include the disclosure or inappropriate use of confidential and proprietary information belonging to the University.
Research Misconduct Unethical behaviors and actions in the conduct of research such as falsification of research data, unethical research practices, violations of research protocols, and abuses involving human or animal subjects.
Safety and Security Matters Concerns related to the physical safety and well-being of the University community, as well as potential risks that might threaten individuals or property. If you believe there is an immediate or imminent threat to the safety of individuals or property, call 911 or HUPD (617-495-1212) immediately.
Student Misconduct Any actions or behaviors that breach the standards and policies pertaining to students established by the University to promote a safe, respectful and ethical campus environment such as violations of the student code of conduct, alcohol and drug use, vandalism, hazing, unauthorized access or use of University facilities, and disruptive behavior.
Other Any concerns, issues, or incidents that do not clearly fit into the predefined categories otherwise listed. By selecting "Other," you can bring to our attention any unique or specific matters that require the University's consideration and action. We encourage you to provide as much detail as possible to ensure a thorough understanding of the concern.