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Commitment to Ethical Practice

It is the policy of the National Assembly to conduct business according to the highest ethical standards to maintain the complete confidence of our directors, members, employees, and donors. Directors and employees must conduct themselves and perform their National Assembly duties in a manner that brings credit to themselves and the National Assembly. They must avoid practices that might result in adverse criticism from the public or in any way damage the National Assembly’s reputation as a responsible non-profit agency.

It is the policy of the National Assembly to fully comply with the intent and spirit of all applicable laws and regulations. The National Assembly expects its volunteers and employees to use good judgment, to apply the highest ethical standards and to refrain from any form of illegal, dishonest, or unethical behavior.

It is the responsibility of each employee and director to be familiar with and comply with the National Assembly’s Code of Ethics and other relevant practices and policies of the organization.



Ensuring that Commitment

Our goal is to assure and enhance the integrity, people, processes and assets of the National Assembly. As such, we make it possible for any employee, director or other constituent to report any allegations of unethical behavior without jeopardizing his or her position with the organization. The National Assembly guarantees that reports made by employees, directors and members via EthicsPoint are anonymous and confidential. We appreciate your support and cooperation.


To File A Report

You may call 800-441-9638 toll-free (in the U.S. and Canada) or you may file a report online by clicking on "File a Report" from the menu above. After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.

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