Wilkes University recognizes and strongly respects individual differences and will foster a diverse, fair, just, equitable, competitive and quality work environment.
That is why we have selected EthicsPoint to provide us with an anonymous and confidential method to hear your suggestions, concerns or report of misconduct. The information you provide will be sent to the University’s Compliance Committee by EthicsPoint on a totally confidential and anonymous bases. You have our guarantee that your comments will be heard.
Valuing People
Focusing on the development of University faculty and staff is an initiative and promise set forth in the university’s strategic plan. This effort involves the development of a performance review process, including training opportunities that help each Wilkes faculty and staff member to grow personally and professionally. These efforts are in line with Wilkes’ goal for greatness and help increase employee satisfaction with the University.
To Make a Report
You may use either of the following two methods to submit a report:
- Dial toll-free, within the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico and Canada: 888-332-6790
- or
- Select the appropriate category from the list below
Scroll down for additional categories
Accounting & Financial
Accounting and Auditing Matters, Donor Stewardship, Falsification of Contracts, Reports or Records, Fraud, Improper Disclosure of Financial Records, Improper Giving or Receiving of Gifts, Improper Supplier or Contractor Activity, Theft / Embezzlement, Waste, Abuse or Misuse of Institute Resources, or other similar issues.
Fraudulent Activities, Improper Giving or Gifts, Inappropriate Activities, Misuse of Assets, Players or Endorsements, Recruiting Misconduct, Scholarship / Financial Aid Misconduct, Sexual Misconduct, Substance Abuse, or other similar issues.
Human Resources
Conflict of Interest, Discrimination or Harassment, EEOC or ADA Matters, Employee Benefits Abuses, Employee Misconduct, Nepotism, Offensive or Inappropriate Communication, Sexual Harassment, Threat or Inappropriate Supervisor Directive, Time Abuse, Unsafe working conditions, Violence or Threat, Workers Compensation or Disability Benefits Abuses, or other similar issues.
Information Technology
Data Privacy/Integrity, Malicious/Inappropriate Use of Technology, Misuse of Resources, Software Piracy/ Intellectual Property Infringement, or other similar issues.
Healthcare Fraud, HIPAA, Insurance Issues, Patient Abuse/Physical or Verbal, Patient Care, Patient Rights, Research Misconduct, Sponsored Projects Non-Compliance, or other similar issues.
Conflict of Interest, Data Privacy, Research Grant Misconduct or Misappropriation of Costs, or other similar issues.
Risk and Safety Matters
Confidentiality, Data Privacy, Disclosure of Confidential Information, Environmental and Safety Matters, Improper Supplier or Contractor Activity, Improper Use of Intellectual Property, Copyright Violations or Software Piracy, Public Safety, Sabotage or Vandalism, or other similar issues.
After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password
and keep them in a safe place. After 5-7 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.