
Please provide information as follows:
( * Required fields )

Organization/Tier: Humana

Physical address, branch and/or store number

         * Do you wish to remain ANONYMOUS for this report?
If you want Humana to know your identity, please complete the following:
Your Name:

Report - Legacy Case Follow-Up
* Please provide all details regarding the alleged violation, including the locations of witnesses and any other information that could be valuable in the evaluation and ultimate resolution of this situation.

Please take your time and provide as much detail as possible, but exercise care to not provide details that may reveal your identity unless you wish to do so. It may be important to know if you are the only person aware of this situation.
  When you submit the report, you will be issued a Report Key. Please write it down and keep it in a safe place. We ask you to use this Report Key along with the password of your choosing to return to EthicsPoint through the website or telephone hotline in 5-6 business days. By returning in 5-6 business days, you will have the opportunity to review any Follow-up Questions or submit more information about this incident. No information will be transmitted until you click the submit button below.
Please choose a password for this report:
Your passwords must match and be at least four characters long.