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Vous vous trouvez actuellement dans la zone confidentielle et sécurisée d'EthicsPoint. La liste ci-dessous présente certains types de violations possibles. Veuillez cliquer sur la flèche () pour sélectionner le type de violation que vous désirez signaler.
Indiana University
Classroom Climate
Complaints regarding the diversity of viewpoints and principles of free expression and free inquiry fostered in instructional settings.
Violations of compliance with federal, state
privacy and security regulations or
university policy associated with health
Indiana University Foundation
Theft, fraud, or inappropriate use of IUF resources, intentionally misreporting financial transactions, violations of IUF personnel policies, misreporting or falsification of work hours, misuse of IUF employee benefits, unauthorized access to, or disclosure of, IUF data, violations of compliance with federal, state or donor rules and regulations, or other forms of misconduct not specifically identified here.
NCAA rules compliance violations
Financial Misconduct/Fraud
Theft, fraud or inappropriate use of university resources, manipulation of university data and documentation, or intentionally misreporting university transactions, etc.
Human Resources
Violations of university personnel policies for Faculty, Staff and Hourly employees. Misreporting or falsification of work hours. Misuse of benefits.
Violations of compliance with federal, state, or donor rules and regulations
Information Technology
Unauthorized access to or disclosure of sensitive university data (i.e. personally identifiable data of students, faculty staff, etc.)