Vous vous trouvez actuellement dans la zone confidentielle et sécurisée d'EthicsPoint. La liste ci-dessous présente certains types de violations possibles. Veuillez cliquer sur la flèche (Arrow Example) pour sélectionner le type de violation que vous désirez signaler.

North American Electric Reliability Corporation
Compliance Includes the Compliance Audit, Compliance Investigation, Exception Reporting, Complaint process, Periodic Data Submittal, Self-Certification, Self-Reporting, Preliminary Screen, Mitigation Plans, Mitigation Validations, and Spot-Checks.
Enforcement Includes the Notice of Possible Violation, Assessment of Possible Violation, NAVAPS, FFT, SNOP, NOP, request for evidence, Penalty determination, settlement process, hearing process, Notice of Confirmed Violation, Notice of Penalty, and Completion of Enforcement Action.
Organization Certification Addresses concerns about evaluating and certifying the competency of a Registered Entity to perform its evaluated function(s) in accordance with the NERC Registration and Certification Manual.
Organization Registration Addresses concerns about the Registration process in accordance with criteria provided in the NERC Statement of Compliance Criteria.
Reliability Assessment and Performance Analysis Includes assessments of the Region’s short- and long-term resource and transmission adequacy and special operating assessments of specific reliability issues or situations that may affect reliability, such as market practices, technology developments, industry trends, or proposed public policy measures.
Reliability Standards Addresses concerns about Regional Reliability Standards development procedures and Regional Criteria. Regional Criteria typically provide benefits by promoting more consistent implementation of the NERC Reliability Standards within the Region.
Situation Awareness and Event Analysis Includes the operation and maintenance of tools and other support services for the benefit of Reliability Coordinators and System Operators within the Registered Entities, and concerns about the coordination to reduce vulnerability and improve mitigation and protections of the electricity sector’s Critical Infrastructure.
Training and Education Addresses concerns involving training, education, and continuing education programs necessary for Bulk Power System personnel and regulators to understand and operate the Bulk Electric System.
Other If you feel the definitions above do not describe the event, action, or situation you are reporting on, please use this header.