Ora si trova nella struttura di reporting protetta e riservata di EthicsPoint system. Di seguito sono elencate le opzioni disponibili. Facendo clic sulla freccia (Arrow Example) può selezionare il tipo di segnalazione che desidera effettuare.

Enterprise Financial Services Corp.
Accounting/Audit Irregularities Acts related to the misstatement and/or destruction of Company audit work papers or accounting documents. Acts that fraudulently influence any public or certified accountant who is either preparing financial statements or conducting an audit for the Company. This is usually performed at the corporate level. It does not include Wage/Hour Issues nor cash register issues EXAMPLES: A person destroys accounting documents to keep auditors from discovering poor accounting practices. A person knowingly enters false information into the Company's financial records KEY WORDS: Audit, Accounting, revenue, million, Audit Committee, SEC, Security Exchange, Misstate.
Board Member Issue The issue is related to a Board member of Enterprise Financial Services Corp, Enterprise Bank & Trust, or an Advisory Board Member.
Conflicts of Interest An employee owes a duty to the employer to act in the interest of the employer (and no other) when carrying out the duties of an employer. A Conflict of Interest exists when the employee has some personal kinship, friendship or financial interest in the transaction that may divide the employee's interests and put his duty to his employer in jeopardy. The more common actions include: sending a customer to a business owned by the employee or one in which the employee has some kind of interest; working for a competitor in any manner while working for a client company; accepting gifts or money from a supplier in order to gain additional business; using company goods and services to support their own business.
Customer Relations The real or perceived display of lack of customer service or courtesy exhibited by employees of a client company either by actions, lack of action, or something which was said by an employee or a combination of both.
Discrimination Any act or omissions which fails to meet the standards of the Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC) which includes all types of discrimination, to include based race, religion, age, nationality, sex, sexual orientation or disability.
Employee Relations Any act or omission, which is perceived to be detrimental to the physical or mental well being of an employee. If available issues related to the 'Retaliation of Whistle Blowers' should be could be coded as such. For more information regarding retaliation issues, see the 'Retaliation of Whistle Blowers' definition.
Falsification of Company Records Any act or omissions, which alters any company record from its genuine condition to a false condition. If the document is considered an accounting document, code the incident as 'Accounting/Audit Irregularities'. If the falsification resulted in some form of gain for the perpetrator or benefactor, code as Fraud.
Fraud Deliberate attempts to deceive in order to receive gain; such as a fraudulent refund, transaction, or credit card. If available issues related to the misstatement and/or destruction of Company audit workpapers or accounting documents should be coded as 'Accounting/Audit Irregularities'. If available issues related to generating personal loans to or for any executive officer or director should be coded as 'Improper Loans to Executives'. For more information, see the 'Accounting/Audit Irregularities' and the 'Improper Loans to Executives' definitions.
Fraudulent Insurance Claims The claiming and acceptance of insurance benefits provided by a client company for a condition that did not exist or a condition that existed and no longer exists or occurred in another way as what was stated.
Improper Loans to Executives Directly or indirectly arranging for the extension of credit, or to renew an extension of credit, in the form of a personal loan to or for any Executive, Officer or Director.
Insider Trading The buying or selling of a stock based on insider information that is not available to the general public. An insider is defined as someone who has access to or possession of important information about a company that affects its stock price or which might influence investors' decisions. This incident type includes buying or selling any company's stock based on non-public information as well as passing this information on to someone else who then buys or sells stock.
Kickbacks The solicitation or acceptance of cash, gifts or favors to perform, a function which the employee is required by the job description to perform.
Policy Issues Any departure from company policy or facility procedures by any person subject to policy or procedure. This code is generally a secondary code, it should only be used if 'Policy Issues' is the primary issue.
Product Quality Concern Any issues with goods or services produced by the client company. This would include outdated products, poor workmanship, etc.
Release of Proprietary Information The conveying of information considered sensitive by a client company to another person, company, or entity by any person. If available Issues related to the buying or selling of a stock based on insider information should be coded as 'Insider Trading'. For more information, see the 'Insider Trading' definition.
Retaliation of Whistleblowers Adverse treatment of an individual in retaliation of their report of unethical activity in the workplace. The victim is required to have filed a concern/report (not necessarily to the Network) in order for them to be considered a 'whistle blower'. EXAMPLE: A manager threatens, abuses or carries out other forms of harassment directly or indirectly against a person (including his/her family or friends), who has made an ethics violation report. KEYWORDS: Retaliate, Retaliated
Safety Issues and Sanitation Any condition which appears to be hazardous or unsanitary to the well-being of an employee, customer, facility, or general public.
Sexual Harassment Unwelcome advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature may constitute sexual harassment.
Substance Abuse The abuse of alcohol, or any illegal or any legal drug used in the workplace or being used while at work.
Theft of Cash The taking of money or money instruments from the premises of a client company without authoritative permission. This would include false refunds for which cashiers obtained voids.
Theft of Goods/Services The taking or removal of any merchandise or property from the premises of a client company without authoritative permission and with the intent to permanently deprive the company of the goods.
Theft of Time Any act or omission, which causes an employee to be paid for, time not worked for the benefit of the client company.
Unauthorized Discounts The offering or giving of a discount or additional discount to any person whether employee or customer which is not authorized by company policy.
Wage/Hour Issues Any departure from existing labor laws or concerns over hours or wages. This includes but is not limited to the following examples: EXAMPLES: Employees being asked or required to work overtime without the appropriate compensation Employees not paid for the work they have performed Employees being paid less than minimum wage KEYWORDS: Compensation, wages, overtime
Workplace Violence/Threats Any act which causes physical injury to a person or any acts or statements which cause a person to believe that his / her physical well-being is in jeopardy.