EthicsPoint の保安エリアに入りました。
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矢印(>) (
Regional University System of Oklahoma
Fraudulent Activities
Improper Giving or Gifts
Inappropriate Activities
Misuse of Assets, Players or Endorsements
Public Safety
Recruiting Misconduct
Scholarship / Financial Aid Misconduct
Sexual Misconduct
Substance Abuse
Team Travel
Accounting and Auditing Matters
Confidentiality and Data Privacy
Falsification of Contracts, Reports or Records
Improper Disclosure of Financial Records
Improper Giving or Receiving of Gifts
Improper Supplier or Contractor Activity
Misuse of Donor Funds
Research Grant Misconduct or Misappropriation of Costs
Theft / Embezzlement
Waste, Abuse or Misuse of Institute Resources
Human Resources
ADA Matters
Confidentiality and Data Privacy
Conflict of Interest
Discrimination or Harassment
Employee Benefits Abuses
Employee Misconduct
Offensive or Inappropriate Communication
Sexual Harassment
Substance Abuse
Threat or Inappropriate Supervisor Directive
Time Abuse or Falsification of Employment Documents
Unsafe working conditions
Violence or Threat
Workers Compensation or Disability Benefits Abuses
Information Technology
Data Privacy/Integrity
Malicious/Inappropriate Use of Technology
Misuse of Resources
Software Piracy/ Intellectual Property Infringement
Healthcare Fraud
Insurance Issues
Patient Abuse/Physical or Verbal
Patient Care
Patient Rights
Research Misconduct
Sponsored Projects Non-Compliance
Conflict of Interest
Data Privacy
Environmental and Safety Matters
Falsification of Contracts, Reports or Records
Human or Animal Research
Intellectual Property Infringement, Misappropriation or Disclosure
Research Grant Misconduct or Misappropriation of Costs
Scientific Misconduct
Waste, Abuse or Misuse of Institute Resources
Risk and Safety Matters
Confidentiality and Data Privacy
Environmental and Safety Matters
Improper Supplier or Contractor Activity
Improper Use of Intellectual Property, Copyright Violations or Software Piracy
Public Safety
Sabotage or Vandalism
Unsafe working conditions
Waste, Abuse or Misuse of Institute Resources
Student Affairs
ADA Matters
Alcohol/Drug Abuse
Cheating/ Plagiarism
Confidentiality and Data Privacy
Credentials Mis-representation
Sexual Harassment
Student Safety
Student Travel
Unethical Academic Behavior
Other/None of the Above - Issues that do not seem to fit in the above categories.