Welcome to Conservation International’s Ethics Hotline.
We aim to foster ethical conduct, at the office and in the field.
- You are encouraged to engage with a Respectful Workplace Advisor (RWA). RWAs guide the immediate next steps pertaining to interpersonal conflict, disrespect, unfair treatment or a similar workplace-related concern.
- Should the RWA-route not yield the desired result, or the conduct continues, the matter can be reported as an ethics report on this platform.
- Any unethical conduct can also be reported directly to your manager, Internal Audit or Risk Management, providing an opportunity for you to provide detailed input into the investigation.
- This platform provides for anonymous reporting of all serious misconduct or unethical behavior, including sexual harassment and fraud.
For all our partners and communities please help ensure ethical behavior in all our endeavors:
- Follow the specific project-based Accountability Mechanism, where available.
- Report any environmentally damaging, socially inappropriate or unethical conduct on this platform, with specifics to the project it relates to, either online or via the telephone.
Please remember that the Ethics Hotline is anonymous (if you choose), safe, and secure. All reports are investigated.
Integrity and Respect are two of our six core values that we fully commit to, in partnership with yourself through this reporting platform.