EthicsPoint Compliance Line

Long Island University EthicsPoint is a simple and accessible online system for identifying and addressing concerns about potential misconduct or violations of University policy.

EthicsPoint Compliance Line is a confidential internet and telephone-based reporting tool for faculty, staff and students. The Compliance Line does not replace existing reporting mechanisms already in place at Long Island University.

Any reports received through EthicsPoint will be reviewed by the appropriate individuals in accordance with University procedures. The University expects that reports submitted through the EthicsPoint are made in a good-faith effort to address legitimate issues needing correction, or to otherwise provide reliable information.

Important Contacts

You may also reach out directly to University personnel to address issues and concerns. Additional resources can be found at

Campus Safety:

  • Brooklyn: 718-488-1078
  • Post: 516-299-2222
  • Brentwood: 631-451-4242
  • Hudson: 914-831-6900
  • Riverhead: 631-548-3636

Administrative Departments:

  • Human Resources: 516-299-2504
  • Dean of Students/Student Affairs: 516-299-1200

To Make a Report

After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.