Attention! This web page is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the Mercer International Inc. web site or intranet.

We believe Mercer’s viability and integrity depend on protecting our critical assets, including our people, physical assets, and information. We also believe that our communication, internal controls, and processes must adapt to the changing needs and objectives of the company, as well as to the changing marketplace. We appreciate your support and cooperation in keeping Mercer an ethical company from top to bottom.

EthicsPoint is a comprehensive and anonymous Internet and telephone-based reporting tool that assists management and employees in working together to address fraud, abuse, misconduct, and other violations in the workplace while helping to cultivate a positive work environment.

Please note:
EthicsPoint is not an Emergency Service: This site is not for reports that pose an immediate threat to life or property. Such reports may not receive an immediate response. In case of an emergency, contact your local authorities.

This web page is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the Mercer International Inc. website or intranet.

Our Commitment

As a committed and responsible corporate entity, Mercer International Inc. (Mercer) upholds the highest standards of ethics, integrity, honesty, fairness, and professionalism in all aspects of its operations. This commitment is unwavering and applies universally.

What to Report

The Mercer Integrity Hotline is a confidential channel that allows for reporting potential illegal, unethical, or inappropriate behavior when standard communication methods are either ineffective or not feasible.

Who can report

This Hotline is accessible to Mercer employees, customers, contractors, suppliers, and other business associates collaborating with Mercer. If there are concerns or uncertainty about how to proceed, or if there is an unease using regular communication channels, or you prefer to remain anonymous, you are encouraged to use the Integrity Hotline.

You Are Protected

This reporting system is confidential, and anonymity is an option, except in certain European countries where anonymous reporting of specific types of issues may not be encouraged. Regardless, you should feel confident using this system. Mercer employees and the public are protected against retaliation for making, in good faith, a complaint they reasonably believe to be valid or for assisting in investigating a complaint.

What Not To Report

This reporting system is not intended to replace other traditional communication methods stakeholders use to interact with Mercer, and we encourage all stakeholders to first address issues directly with the manager of the business location where the issue occurred or through the relevant business segment and region. However, if you are uncomfortable using these channels or prefer to report through this system, we still want to hear from you. Please reach out with your complaint or concern.