NORCAL Mutual Insurance Co.
This web page is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of NORCAL web site or intranet.
Our Commitment
We believe that the viability and integrity of the NORCAL Group depends on the protection of our critical assets, including our people, physical assets and information. We also believe that our communications, internal controls and processes must be constantly adapted to the changing needs and objectives of the NORCAL Group as well as to a changing marketplace. We appreciate your support and cooperation in working to keep the NORCAL Group on the forefront of corporate governance and compliance.
The companies that comprise the NORCAL Group expect employees to comply with applicable legal requirements, adhere to high ethical standards, avoid situations that create an actual or perceived conflict between their personal interests and those of the organization, and use sound judgment.
Having a legally compliant and integrity-centric work environment is essential to our employees, who take pride in their contributions in making this organization an employer of choice.
Employees are encouraged to report alleged or suspected violations of legal requirements or company policies and to assist in an investigation regarding conduct that they reasonably suspect could be a violation of such requirements or policies.
The NORCAL Group has partnered with EthicsPoint to provide employees with a totally confidential and anonymous method of reporting potential issues.
How to File a Report
Choose the "File a Report" link on the left side of this web page.
By Telephone:
Call 888-664-9042 toll-free in the US and Canada.