Attention! This web page is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the Missouri State University web site or intranet.

Our Commitment

Missouri State University is committed to excellence and integrity at all levels, expecting the highest degree of ethical conduct. Many long-standing University policies and procedures ensure that the University conducts its business with the highest of ethical standards, honesty, accountability, and openness in the decisions that we make.

Because the University takes this obligation seriously, we have continued to provide various mechanisms within the University to assist and encourage employees and students to come forward in good faith with reports or concerns about suspected compliance issues, without fear of reprisal or retaliation. The Board of Governors has also approved the University’s Whistleblower Policy. This policy authorizes an independent third-party vendor, EthicsPoint, to provide 24 hours a day / 7 days a week, ethics compliance hotline for students, faculty and staff. This hotline accepts reports via either a toll free phone number, or the internet, and assures anonymity during the report intake process when requested.

Please Note: Once EthicsPoint has completed the anonymous or non-anonymous report intake process via secure website or toll-free number, Missouri State University official(s) are then responsible for the timely investigation of the reported compliance issue or concern.


This Hotline should NOT be used for matters related to course/teaching evaluation. Please refer to the appropriate college dean or Office of Provost.

This hotline should NOT be used for Matters related to Performance appraisals and salary administration. Please refer to:

EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service:
Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.

To Make a Report

You may use either of the following two methods to submit a report:
  • Via Telephone: call 888-233-8988 (toll free),
  • or
  • Via Internet: select the appropriate category from the list below:
    Scroll down for additional categories.
Financial Matters
Accounting or internal control issues, fraud, theft, or other financial issues, including procurement services
Safety & Security
Unsafe, potentially Harmful, Dangerous, Violent, or Criminal Activities or the Threats of Such Activities
All matters involving the University's research projects and sponsored programs including Human and Animal research, Safety, Export Control, Conflict of Interest, Misuse of Federal Grants, Research Fraud and Abuse, Inflated research grant costs, Research Misconduct, and Security/HIPAA violations.
Human Resources/ Equity and Diversity
Discrimination, Harassment / Equal Opportunity, Disability/Accommodations matters, Employee misconduct, Inappropriate Supervisory Directive
Campus Facilities / Construction
Matters of Confidentiality, Improper Contractor/Supplier Activities, Campus Security and Safety
Information Technology
Confidentiality, Data Privacy, Copyright violations, or other Waste or Abuse of University Resources
All issues dealing with the University's Athletic Department or Programs
Academic Affairs
Matters related to academic integrity and policy, such as misconduct, cheating, misrepresentation of credentials
Student Affairs
Includes illegal conduct, misreporting of student information and forms, sexual harassment
Medical (Taylor Health Center)
All matters involving violations regarding patient care and rights or patient abuse; healthcare fraud; HIPAA violations; Insurance issues; accounting or auditing matters; fraud and theft; improper supplier or contractor activity; or research/sponsored projects misconduct.
Climate/Inclusion Concern
This category is intended to address diversity & inclusion-related concerns that do not rise to the level of discrimination on the basis of a protected class. Examples would include: concerns about faculty diversity (or lack thereof) in a department (or lack thereof), concerns about student diversity (or lack thereof) in a particular major/program, reports of microaggressions in the classroom, concerns about offensive or insensitive language within textbooks, etc.

After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 7-10 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.

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