Accountability Hotline

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The Metro Auditor established the Accountability Hotline to provide Metro employees and the public with a way to report concerns about fraud, waste, or abuse of resources or position. Reports can be made anonymously or confidentially. If a reporter identifies themselves, Oregon law requires confidentially be protected, unless ordered by a court or other law enforcement.

To file a report, you may call the phone number listed on the left or click on the "Report Online" link. When you call or submit a report, please be as detailed as possible, including names, dates, locations and witnesses.

The Accountability Hotline is administered by the Auditor’s Office. After an initial review, reports may be investigated further by the Metro Auditor or may be referred to a more appropriate department or authority for resolution. You will be provided with a personal identification number to return to the website or call center where you can receive information about the investigation. This process is not intended to replace the normal communication channels between employees and their supervisor, manager or Human Resources Department, or the grievance process in addressing employment-related concerns.

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