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This webpage is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the Cloud Software Group website or intranet. All calls to EthicsPoint are handled by their trained staff.

Commitment to Integrity

Cloud Software Group (CSG) is committed to an environment where open, honest communications and actions are the expectation, not the exception. The Integrity Helpline provides the company's employees, customers, partners, suppliers, and other stakeholders around the globe a resource for asking questions or voicing concerns.

Anyone may visit this site or call the Integrity Helpline at any time to request guidance on company policies and practices or report any potential or actual violation of law or policy, including the Codes of Business Conduct or Whistleblower Policy as provided above.

We want you to feel comfortable in approaching the company in instances where you reasonably believe violations of policies or standards might have occurred or if you have questions. Please be assured that Cloud Software Group will not tolerate any retaliation or adverse action against you for raising a good faith concern.

Unless you choose otherwise, the information you provide in EthicsPoint is anonymous. The information is kept confidential, unless we otherwise have a legal obligation to disclose it. EthicsPoint will route all questions and reports to Cloud Software Group's Legal and Compliance group, who ensure that:

  • your questions are addressed
  • all credible reports of suspected misconduct are investigated fairly, thoroughly and discreetly, and
  • appropriate training is provided and/or corrective action is taken where warranted

You have our assurance that your comments will be heard and that Cloud Software Group takes all concerns raised seriously.