Welcome to

Odyssey House is dedicated to saving lives, rebuilding families, restoring communities and providing our employees with a safe and productive workplace. Our Code of Conduct is simple and straight forward.

  • Keep it legal
  • Play nice
  • Take responsibility
  • Be a faithful to our clients
  • Take it personally
  • Uphold the code

The management team at Odyssey House values your input. That is why we have selected EthicsPoint to provide us with an anonymous and confidential method to hear your suggestions, concerns or report of misconduct.

The information you provide will be sent to us by EthicsPoint on a totally confidential and anonymous basis. You have our guarantee that your comments will be heard.

Our Commitment

Our goal is to assure and enhance the integrity, people and processes of Odyssey House.

We believe that Odyssey House’s viability and integrity depend on the protection of our clients, our employees and our community. We also believe that our communication, internal controls, and processes must constantly adapt to the changing needs and objectives of the company as well as to the changing community. We appreciate your support and cooperation in keeping Odyssey House an ethical company from top to bottom.

To Make a Report

You may use either of the following two methods to submit a report:

  • Call 888-278-3161 (toll free)
  • or
  • Select the “Report a concern” link

If you have a general question that is not appropriate to bring forward through this reporting tool, please consult the list below for additional resources:

  • HR Benefits 212-361-1653
  • HR Questions 212-361-1655
  • Payroll 212-361-1654
  • Employee Assistance Program 212-935-3030
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