There are several ways to file a report.
After you file your report, you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key". Write down this code and your password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your filed report for feedback or questions.
Please contact your local emergency services or your Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP).
Transcontinental Inc.
1, Place Ville-Marie, suite 3240
Montreal (Quebec) H3B 0G1
to the attention of :
Vice President, Internal Audit (Strictly confidential)
Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary (Strictly Confidential)
Please note that the email will be received by the Director of internal audit and that your email address will be identified.
TC Transcontinental believes in sound and responsible governance practices. We intend on promoting honest and consistent conducts by setting clear guidelines and ensuring accountability is present at all levels of the organization. Our success is based on our values – respect, teamwork, performance, and innovation. These values are shared, they are strong, and they are fully integrated. These values influence all of our interactions and decisions.
TC Transcontinental's employees are a source of pride to the Corporation. Therefore, they must comply with the highest ethical standards. Our employees' conduct must always be in line with our values. Our Code of Conduct describes the expected ethical standards, which enable us to guide our employees’ actions and to protect the Corporation’s reputation. It reflects TC Transcontinental's culture and brand, which are the product of decades of hard work, devotion, and loyalty of all our employees.
To remain worthy of this reputation, we are determined to enforce our Code of Conduct. It is the cornerstone upon which our conduct and actions are based. It underlines the importance that we place on our business relationships and our deep commitment to our customers, our suppliers and our partners.
Our Whistleblowing Policy and our Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Policy, as well as our governance practices and guidelines, ensure that TC Transcontinental continues to exercise diligence in its operations. These two policies:
Since we encourage an environment of open and honest communication, we want our employees to feel comfortable in approaching a supervisor, a Human Resources representative, or the next level of management, in instances where there are grounds to believe that breaches of our Code of Conduct, fraud, corruption, theft or compliance issues, harassment, or other criminal offenses have occurred.
However, if employees prefer to file a report in confidence and anonymously, they are encouraged to use an online form, hosted by EthicsPoint (an external provider). They may use the EthicsPoint hotline by dialing the toll-free number for their country. They also have the possibility to file a report by mail or email.
Important: these means are not intended for complaints that are related to personal conflicts between employees or with their managers, to labour relations, etc. Employees who would like to file a report of this nature must contact their business unit's human resources professional.
TC Transcontinental intends on fully investigating any breaches of its Code of Conduct, fraud, corruption, theft or compliance issues, harassment or other criminal offenses, without regard to the alleged individuals’ seniority, position/title or the nature of his/her relationship with the Corporation.
EthicsPoint will send the information provided to the Director of Internal Audit, on a confidential and anonymous basis. You have our guarantee that your comments will be heard.
When a report is filed, a unique report key and password will be provided to enable safe communication with the investigator. We urge a regular follow up to check the report for answers or feedback from the investigator.