Compliance Helpline

File a New Report Follow Up on a Report

Additional Resources

Code of Conduct Non Retaliation Policy Corporate Compliance Program
Happy telephone operator.

Contact The Helpline by Phone

Call the helpline at
(Toll-free US, Puerto Rico, Guam, and Canada)

Our Commitment

Seattle Children’s is committed to ethical behavior as reflected in our Corporate Compliance Program, Compliance Code of Conduct, our community and service standards of accountability, respect and teamwork as well as our business practices.

Seattle Children’s Board of Trustees and Leadership Team value your input. That is why we are providing you with another way to let us know about potential compliance issues. You may report your concerns via the internet by following the links on the right.

The information you provide will be sent to us by an external source on a totally anonymous and confidential basis unless you choose to identify yourself. You have our guarantee that your comments will be heard.

Some workforce members have suggested they do not report incidents out of fear of retaliation. We have a strict non-retaliation policy and are committed to investigating incidents that are raised.

If you prefer to speak to a live person, you may also call the Compliance Helpline 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-877-483-3049.

Thank you for reporting your concern and your commitment to ethical business practices at Seattle Children’s.