The American Lung Association is dedicated to advancing its compelling mission – to save lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease.
The American Lung Association is committed to the responsible use of assets in furtherance of its mission. We are committed to adhering to high standards of ethical conduct in all of our operations. This includes a commitment to provide accurate and complete information, to exercise care and act in good faith, to comply with all laws, regulations and organizational policies, and to promote ethical behavior.
It is the responsibility of each employee and volunteer to be familiar with the American Lung Association's ethics policy and the values and responsibilities described therein. The American Lung Association has selected EthicsPoint, Inc. to manage its corporate ethics reporting. This provides individuals with a confidential method to report concerns regarding unethical behavior or misconduct.
You may use either of the following two methods to submit a report. Call 866-294-9542 (toll free), or Select the "Make a Report" link at the left of this web page.