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Brown University Anonymous Reporting Hotline

ATTENTION! This webpage is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the Brown University website or intranet.

Welcome to Brown University’s
Anonymous Reporting Hotline

Brown uses EthicsPoint, a third-party service provider, to provide you with a way to report activities that may involve unethical or otherwise inappropriate activity or behavior in violation of Brown University's established policies.

Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.

All reports submitted will be given careful attention by the appropriate Brown University Administrators, treated confidentially and discussed only with those with relevant information and on a need-to-know basis, or any other person or entity as required by law. Brown University Administrators will not receive reports in which they are specifically named. Situations reported will be reviewed and addressed in accordance with University policies and protocols.

You may file a report anonymously, or you may identify yourself when filing a report using the phone line or web. When filing a report anonymously, exercise care to not provide details that may reveal your identity.

After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Keep your report key and password in a safe place. We expect that reports submitted through the system will be made in a good faith effort to address legitimate issues needing correction, or to otherwise provide reliable information.

To Make a Report

Online, click on the appropriate category below

By Phone, dial toll-free: 877-318-9184

Academic and Student Affairs
Academic misconduct; student safety; student travel; financial aid and other similar concerns.
Accounting and Financial
Accounting and financial control issues; falsification of contracts, reports or records; fraud; improper disclosure of financial records; improper supplier or contractor activity; donor stewardship; improper giving or receiving of gifts; conflict of interest; theft/embezzlement; waste, abuse, or misuse of University resources and other similar concerns.
Violations of NCAA or Ivy League rules or regulations; misuse of assets, players or endorsements; recruiting; conflict of interest and other similar concerns.
Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment
Violations of the University’s Conflict of Interest and Commitment Policy and other similar concerns not covered in other categories.
Data Privacy, Data Security and Information Technology
Data privacy including FERPA; disclosure of confidential information; data security; malicious/inappropriate use of technology; misuse of resources; software piracy/intellectual property infringement and other similar concerns.
Human Resources
Employee misconduct; employee benefits abuse; conflict of interest; EEOC or ADA matters; offensive or inappropriate communication and other similar concerns.
Conflict of interest; data privacy; environmental health and safety matters; research misconduct; research grant misconduct or misappropriation of costs; export control; human or animal research; intellectual property misappropriation or disclosure and other similar concerns.
Risk and Safety
Campus and workplace safety or security; environmental and safety matters; unsafe working conditions; public safety; fire safety; sabotage or vandalism; hazardous waste and other similar concerns.
Those concerns not covered in other categories.