ATTENTION! This webpage is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the ACDI/VOCA website or intranet.
Follow-up on a Report Resources Ethics Violations: Reporting Procedures and Options Workplace Integrity Policy Manager Incident Report Form

ACDI/VOCA seeks at all times to conduct its affairs both internally and externally in accordance with the highest ethical standards. To this end ACDI/VOCA maintains and enforces strict prohibitions against all forms of harassment, discrimination or other personal mistreatment; against the pursuit by any ACDI/VOCA employee, consultant, contractor, volunteer or beneficiary of an interest conflicting with the interests of ACDI/VOCA; and against violations of ACDI/VOCA’s nonprofit status, acts of waste, fraud and abuse, and other similar ethical improprieties.

Maintaining high standards of ethical conduct requires the active commitment of all members of the ACDI/VOCA family, employees, beneficiaries and supporters alike. Accordingly, ACDI/VOCA has established specific procedures and mechanisms for reporting ethical improprieties on the part of any ACDI/VOCA employee or others. This “EthicsPoint Hotline” system is one of several such reporting options. (See Attachment A - Ethics Violations: Reporting Procedures and Options, and Attachment B – Workplace Integrity Policy). The Hotline offers users the choice of reporting on an anonymous basis* or simply an alternative mechanism for making a report. Whatever the preferred mode of reporting, ACDI/VOCA assures reporters that all reports of ethical improprieties submitted will be reviewed and responded to on a timely basis, by the appropriate authority, and in accordance with their merits.

The overriding goal of ACDI/VOCA’s ethics reporting system is to assure, protect and enhance the integrity, assets and reputation of the organization. Our Corporate Conduct Policy below sets forth the behavior ACDI/VOCA expects both of itself as an organization and of each employee, consultant, contractor, volunteer and any others involved with its work and mission.

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By Phone

After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.

EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service:
Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.

Corporate Conduct Policy

  1. Projects should be implemented in a professional manner with due respect for the customs and aspirations of the people to whom assistance is being rendered. Every project should support and enhance the integrity and reputation of ACDI/VOCA member organization.
  2. ACDI/VOCA will seek opportunities where the skills of its members are needed to build institutions or programs of lasting benefit to farmers and other entrepreneurs but will avoid situations where conditions of work are such that the project personnel cannot perform at professionally acceptable standards or where conditions impose unacceptable restrictions on project activities.
  3. The information on funding, purpose, and sponsorship of all ACDI/VOCA activities shall be open and available to any legitimate inquirer.
  4. ACDI/VOCA will avoid or discontinue any activity that subjects its employees/consultants/ contractors/volunteers to physical danger or harassment.
  5. ACDI/VOCA activities will comply with the laws and regulations of the United States and of the host government.
  6. ACDI/VOCA activities will, to the extent possible, contribute to democratic processes, self-help and civil liberties of host country nationals and will not knowingly contribute to repression.
  7. ACDI/VOCA overseas employees/consultants/contractors/volunteers are highly visible and commonly viewed as representatives of the United States and of American cooperatives. Accordingly, they must maintain the highest standards of professional conduct and personal demeanor. The selection process will constantly recognize this need.
  8. All employees/consultants/contractors/volunteers of ACDI/VOCA are expected to devote their full time, energy and skills to ACDI/VOCA business during customary working hours and to refrain from participating in outside personal activities that might detract from this requirement. Overseas employees/consultants/contractors/volunteers may not engage in any business relationship in the host country outside of their ACDI/VOCA responsibilities. Dependents of overseas employees/consultants/contractors/volunteers may not engage in any business relationship or activity in the host country which could be construed as a conflict of interest.
  9. No employee/consultant/contractor/volunteer or member of their immediate family shall seek or accept from, or offer, or provide to, a supplier, official, or any other person in a business relationship with ACDI/VOCA, cash, loans, services, pleasure travel, personal discounts, gifts of more than nominal value, employment, or expensive entertainment. ACDI/VOCA does not prohibit usual and customary business courtesies, business-connected travel, nominal gratuities, or hospitality of nominal value given or received in connection with the usual conduct of business affairs.
  10. ACDI/VOCA makes no corporate contributions to political candidates, parties, committees or religious entities. ACDI/VOCA overseas employees/consultants/contractors/volunteers shall avoid any participation or involvement in host country partisan political activities or religious proselytizing.
  11. ACDI/VOCA funds may not be used for any unlawful purpose or in any manner other than in accordance with appropriate project and/or corporate documentation supporting the payment. The establishment of secret funds or the falsifying of corporate or project accounts for any reason is strictly prohibited.
  12. Employees/consultants/contractors/volunteers are duty bound to safeguard all corporate and project assets. Any employee learning that a theft or misappropriation of assets is about to occur or has occurred is obligated to report the matter to his/her supervisor immediately.
  13. ACDI/VOCA is and will remain an equal opportunity employer and complies willingly with the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L.88-352) and other applicable legislation.
  14. ACDI/VOCA does not tolerate workplace sexual harassment or other forms of impermissible harassment. Sexual harassment violates an individual’s fundamental rights and personal dignity. ACDI/VOCA considers all forms of harassment, and especially sexual harassment, in all its forms to be a serious offense. Employees/consultants/contractors/volunteers who violate ACDI/VOCA policy on harassment are subject to disciplinary measures up to and including termination.
  15. ACDI/VOCA maintains a drug-free workplace. All ACDI/VOCA employees/consultant contractors/volunteers, including full- and part-time headquarters staff, as well as long- and short-term overseas personnel, are hereby notified that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, buying, selling, exchange, possession or use of a controlled substance is strictly prohibited during working hours in ACDI/VOCA's headquarters, overseas and regional offices or related work sites.

    As a condition of service with ACDI/VOCA, each employee/consultant/volunteer, as the case may be, will abide by the above statement and will notify the President of ACDI/VOCA in writing of his/her drug-related conviction for a violation of controlled substance laws occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction.

* Individuals seeking the anonymity provided by the EthicsPoint system should note that the email network in the Washington, DC headquarters office is routinely monitored to detect threats to ACDI/VOCA’s information or technology systems, to estimate overall productivity loss caused by such usage, and to identify potential legal liability for the organization. This monitoring procedure is not used to identify reporters of ethical improprieties. Notwithstanding, those seeking the highest possible assurance of anonymity should not submit their reports on computers using the Washington, DC office network to gain access.