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Welcome to the CSX Ethics Helpline

About the CSX Ethics Helpline

The CSX toll-free Ethics Helpline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To ensure objectivity and confidentiality, the Ethics Helpline and this web site are hosted by a third party, EthicsPoint. Callers may report suspected misconduct, raise concerns about ethics and compliance matters, or ask questions without fear of retaliation. Callers may remain anonymous, if they wish, but should provide detailed facts about their concerns so that CSX can properly investigate the issue.

Details of all calls and reports are forwarded to the Internal Audit & Compliance Department for appropriate handling. Reports to the Helpline are investigated promptly and corrective action is taken, if necessary.

Disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, may occur for employees who do not follow the CSX Code of Ethics or knowingly give a false report.

CSX Ethics Helpline FAQs


Other Support

If you have a question concerning a topic other than ethics and compliance, please consult the list below for resources:

  • Payroll Help Desk - For questions about pay and other pay-related information 1-800-582-2655
  • Benefits Service Center - For benefits questions 1-800-368-5279
  • TellCSX - To report non-emergency public issues and complaints 1-877-TellCSX
  • CSXConnect - Employee service center designed to help all employees (management and union) get answers to questions on a wide range of topics such as policies, benefits, career opportunities, training classes or other employee programs. 1-800-633-4045