In keeping with the policy of maintaining the highest standards of conduct and ethics and reaffirming that Kennedy Wilson is fully committed to complying with all applicable laws that protect employees against unlawful discrimination or retaliation as a result of their disclosure or reporting of questionable or illegal acts by the Company or its agents, Kennedy Wilson will investigate any suspected fraudulent or dishonest use or misuse of the Company's resources or property by employees, board members, or consultants.
Kennedy Wilson is committed to maintaining the highest standards of conduct and ethical behavior and promotes a working environment that values respect, fairness and integrity.
All employees, board members and consultants shall act with honesty, integrity and openness in all their dealings as representatives for the Company. Failure to follow these standards will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment, dismissal from the board, termination of consulting arrangement and possible civil or criminal prosecution if warranted.
The audit committee, the board and management at Kennedy Wilson value your input. That is why we have selected EthicsPoint to provide us with an anonymous and confidential method to hear your suggestions, concerns or report of misconduct.
The information you provide will be sent to us by EthicsPoint on a totally confidential and anonymous basis. You have our guarantee that your comments will be heard.
Employees, board members and consultants are encouraged to report (a “Report”) suspected fraudulent or dishonest use or misuse of resources or property or their concerns about questionable accounting or auditing matters and suspected violations of legal or regulatory requirements.
Subject to the Company's Code of Ethics, persons who believe that a violation of this Code has occurred or have a concern regarding questionably dishonest or unethical matters, may immediately report their concerns for determination of due process directly to:
The Ethics & Compliance Hotline is a toll-free phone line accepting calls 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Information may be given anonymously using the Hotline. You may also submit concerns electronically to the Hotline at
Reports may be made by any such person candidly, confidentially, or anonymously, and may be made in writing (including e-mail), telephonically, or in person.
In making a Report, individuals should exercise due care to ensure the accuracy of the information disclosed and should provide sufficient information to enable an investigation to be conducted.
Management, Senior Vice President, Deputy General Counsel, Executive Vice President, Human Resources, and Audit Committee Chair:
Kennedy WilsonEthics & Compliance Hotline
Web site
The main portal for and description of the “Hotline” process, including its primary anonymous email system for submitting information is located on the internet at