To ask a question or voice a concern by phone, click here for dialing instructions for your country.
Scan the QR Code to submit a Report using your mobile device.
After you complete your report, you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key" and asked to select a password. Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 2-5 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.
NOTE: The Dover Hotline is administered by an independent third party service. Your information will be treated confidentially, and you may remain anonymous to the fullest extent reasonably possible under local law.
Dover and all of its operating companies are committed to Dover’s values, which include conducting business with high ethical standards, openness, and trust. This commitment to operating with integrity is at the core of what makes Dover a highly trusted and successful company.
Dover has established this site, which is operated by an independent third party, EthicsPoint, to provide our employees with an electronic method to ask questions and voice concerns relating to ethical matters or our policies. You may ask a question or voice a concern online or by phone. Voicing your concerns contributes to our ethical culture and helps Dover promptly address situations that left unaddressed could adversely impact employees, other stakeholders, and Dover and its reputation.
You are also encouraged to take advantage of our open door, informal environment and voice your concerns with your supervisor or HR.