ATTENTION! This webpage is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the Minnesota Housing website or intranet.
This is not a 911 or Emergency Service.

Our Commitment

As employees of Minnesota Housing, we commit to earn the trust of the citizens of Minnesota as we work to fulfill our mission. This means that our behavior must exemplify the highest ethical standards in all that we do, whether that involves managing the use of public funds, interacting with partners and clients, or creating a respectful work environment.

Minnesota Housing promotes a “speak-up, see something, say something” culture whereby internal staff, external business partners and the general public are encouraged to report instances of fraud, misuse of funds, conflicts of interest, or other concerns without fear of retaliation. You have the option to make a report by directly contacting the Agency’s Chief Risk Officer or any member of the Agency’s Servant Leadership Team.

Minnesota Housing also uses a phone and internet-based reporting system called EthicsPoint, managed by NAVEX Global, an independent third-party provider. This system has been established to provide an alternative channel to communicate concerns confidentially and anonymously. You have the following two options to make a report of wrongdoing or other concerns through EthicsPoint:

  • You may call 866-886-1274 and an EthicsPoint Contact Center Specialist will record your concerns and collect the information needed for us to investigate those concerns.
  • If you do not feel comfortable bringing information forward over the phone, you may click into the “Make a Report” link at left.

You may choose to remain anonymous no matter which method you choose. Your identity and the information you provide will be protected in accordance with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13).

Tennessen Warning

A Tennessen Warning is given to any individual who makes a Report of Wrongdoing. Some of the information you are being asked to provide may be considered private or confidential under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13.

Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (“Minnesota Housing”) is asking you to provide information that will be used to determine if any statutes, regulations, or rules related to Minnesota Housing have been violated. You are not required to provide this information. However, if you choose not to provide the information Minnesota Housing many not be able to fully investigate the report you are making. The information you provide may be shared with Minnesota Housing staff, whose jobs require them to see it, its contractors in appropriate cases, and other third parties if deemed necessary by Minnesota Housing to adequately investigate the complaint. Where access to the information is authorized by state or federal law, the information may also be made available to others as so authorized.