About the Ethics Helpline
What is the Ethics Helpline?
The Ethics Helpline is a confidential and anonymous channel for employees from all Centuri companies to report concerns about ethics, compliance, and our Code of Conduct.
Who administers the Ethics Helpline?
NAVEX is the independent third-party administrator of the Ethics Helpline. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can accommodate calls in 75 different languages. You can contact the Ethics Helpline anonymously from any location.
Who else can I speak to?
Centuri encourages speaking up by using the channel you are most comfortable with, whether it’s your manager, another member of management, the Corporate Compliance Officer, Legal, or Human Resources.
What happens when I submit a question or concern?
An electronic summary is sent to Centuri’s Corporate Compliance Officer and Human Resources team to review and determine further action. You will receive a Report Key and create a password that can be used to follow-up on your submission. Every report Is thoroughly investigated.
What is Centuri’s stance on retaliation?
Centuri does not tolerate retaliation, as clearly stated in our Code of Conduct. We seek to provide a safe, healthy, and productive work environment for our employees and our business partners who assist us in our operations.
Are reports to the Ethics Helpline secure and confidential?
Centuri uses NAVEX’s EthicsPoint case management application to support the administration of the Ethics Helpline. EthicsPoint is hosted on NAVEX’s secure servers and is not part of Centuri’s website or intranet. Any report you make will be kept confidential to the fullest extent possible consistent with the law and good business practices.