You may also make a report by calling EthicsPoint directly at 855-271-2823, toll free.
Davenport University recognizes its obligation to its faculty, staff and the community to maintain the highest ethical standards. To facilitate this process the University has chosen EthicsPoint, as an external vendor, to provide you with a way to report activities that may be violations of the University's policies or other laws, rules and regulations.
Frequently, the best place to raise a concern may be within your own department through ordinary supervisory channels or through the human resources department (contact us webform).
You should report any situation or University conduct you believe violates an applicable law, regulation, government contract or grant requirement, or University policy.
To find answers to our frequently asked questions, please see the FAQ document.
Do not use this site to report immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please call 911.
This web page is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of Davenport University's web site or intranet.