EthicsPoint is not an emergency reporting option. If you, or someone else, are in active danger, please call 911 immediately.
Our Commitment
Welcome to Grinnell College’s EthicsPoint reporting system. EthicsPoint is a service that allows individuals to report suspected misconduct or other issues with complete confidentiality. This service allows the person making the report and college administrators to confer about additional details, while the reporting party's identity remains confidential.
EthicsPoint utilizes its own secure servers, outside of the College network, as well as its own call center. While the reports will be forwarded to College administrators for appropriate review and action, the source of all reports submitted to EthicsPoint will remain confidential and will not be shared with College administrators without your permission.
This reporting tool is not intended to replace or supersede existing reporting methods. However, in cases where the normal channels do not seem appropriate, students, faculty, and staff may take advantage of this anonymous EthicsPoint website or hotline.
No one submitting a report will be subjected to retaliatory actions for making a report in good faith about any potential or suspected improprieties.
Resources and Policies
See the EthicsPoint FAQs for more information.