International Dialing Options Commonly Asked Questions

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Commonly Asked Questions

Where do my reports go?

Reports are entered directly on the NAVEX Global secure server to prevent any possible breech in security. NAVEX Global makes these reports available only to specific individuals within Westcon-Comstor who are charged with evaluating the report, based on the type of violation and location of the incident. Each of these report recipients has had training in keeping these reports in the utmost confidence.

When would I file a report using the Datatec    Hotline?

Under most circumstances, the most effective means of reporting a concern is to contact your immediate manager. Calling the Westcon-Comstor Ethics and Compliance Hotline is the next best alternative to reporting a concern. The Westcon-Comstor ethics and compliance hotline is hosted by NAVEX Global, a global third party hotline provider. Using this hotline will ensure confidentiality of your concern. There may be situations where you believe it is necessary to call the Datatec Ltd hotline. In those cases, the contact number is +27 31 3080680.

Additional Commonly Asked Questions

Welcome to Westcon-Comstor Compliance & Ethics Hotline

Westcon-Comstor, a subsidiary of Datatec Ltd., is committed to the highest standards of moral and ethical behavior. This principle is not something that I--nor any of us--take lightly, because it forms the foundation of trust on which all our business activities take place. It is essential to our company's greatest assets--our reputation. And our reputation depends on each of us making the right choices, every day, everywhere in the world. Acting with integrity makes Westcon-Comstor a company to be proud of. Integrity towards our customers & partners, the communities in which we operate, and toward our Westcon-Comstor colleagues is fundamental to the success of our company.

We are committed to an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation. We want you to feel comfortable in approaching your supervisor, management or local human resources (HR) representative in instances where you believe violations of our Business Code of Conduct or policies or standards may have occurred. We have found that concerns, issues or questions can be addressed more quickly when handled at the supervisor or manager level. However, in situations where you prefer to place a report in confidence, you are encouraged to use our hotline, hosted by a third party hotline provider, NAVEX Global.

Jens Montanana, CEO

Jens Montanana
Chief Executive Officer

ATTENTION! This webpage is hosted on NAVEX Global's secure servers and is not part of the Westcon-Comstor website or intranet.
Westcon-Comstor appreciates your input and encourages you to report any business conduct concerns. All concerns are very important to Westcon-Comstor leadership and management. Retaliation of any kind against anyone who raises an allegation in good faith is prohibited.