Associated Universities, Inc.

AUI Ethics & Integrity Line

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Openness, honesty and fairness are core AUI values. Our employees’ credibility is a source of great pride.

Our Commitment

AUI (Associated Universities, Inc.) manages world-class facilities that attract and retain world-class people. AUI is comprised of professionals in our respective fields and we are committed to conducting our business with integrity. This includes treating every person with respect and dignity.

AUI requires and promotes respectful, productive relationships and ethical conduct by its employees, as important institutional values in their own right, but also in order to facilitate continuous improvements in its organizational performance and that of the research centers it manages. AUI cares for its employees as people and wants them to work in an atmosphere of trust, teamwork and success, where they feel they can always speak up. AUI recognizes its employees want to know what’s expected of them, want encouragement and to experience fairness at work. So, the Integrity Line is designed to assist our employees and others, including our partner organizations and any person we work with, regardless of their affiliation with AUI, (e.g, board members, suppliers, community), to report concerns and ask questions in a confidential and secure manner.

Our Expectations

AUI wants its employees to speak up if they perceive unethical conduct. Employees’ concerns will always be carefully considered and timely actions taken in response to them. Our employees are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner at all times. One of the most important workplace behavior ethics is responsibility. It is each individual’s responsibility to follow through. Employees have the responsibility of following policies and making the right decisions. Leaders must support this ethical behavior in the workplace by their own good example and by holding everyone accountable to productive and fair work standards.

All trustees, directors, officers, managers, supervisors, employees, students, visitors, grantees, or suppliers of goods and services to AUI and/or its research center(s) who reasonably suspect anyone of being involved in any violation of the law, regulations, ethical rules or policies of the organization are expected to report such activity as soon as possible.

Seeking Guidance

AUI has established several methods for employees to report their concerns, which they are encouraged to use. These include reporting issues to their supervisor, using Safety Action Reports to notify of safety concerns, communicating with site Ombuds personnel or utilizing the Grievance Process. Should an employee feel, however, that none of the above would be an appropriate method to raise an issue or resolve their concern, s/he is encouraged to contact the Ethics & Integrity Line.

EthicsPoint, a third party vendor, staffs the Ethics & Integrity Line and is available via telephone and online. Employees may follow up on the status of their report or question by using a confidential identification number that will be assigned to each caller or inquiry made online. They can report anonymously and in all instances, confidentiality will be maintained to the fullest extent possible. Disclosure may be necessary in some cases to effectively conduct an investigation or support legal proceedings. However, AUI will carefully discuss issues of confidentiality with complainants before taking any action that may adversely affect the organizations’ ability to maintain confidentiality for any such reason. Any retaliation against any individual contacting the Ethics & Integrity Line or participating in an investigation of a complaint would be a serious disciplinary offense, the response to which would most likely be the dismissal from employment of the person or persons engaged in any retaliation.

Concerns can be reported 24 hours a day, seven days a week in English or Spanish.

Reporting Options

To access the IntegrityLine by phone:

Select the country in which you are located.
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