After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After a few business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.
SMBC Americas Division (SMBC AD) is committed to conducting its business activities with the highest ethical standards. It is important that employees and other stakeholders promptly raise concerns about unethical conduct or a potential violation of legal, regulatory, accounting, policy or control requirements occurring in the workplace, or that is otherwise connected to SMBC AD. We provide a variety of reporting channels for this purpose. Among them is the SMBC AD Speak Up Hotline. Employees should consult the AD Speaking Up: Integrity Reporting Policy for more detail on raising concerns and the channels available for doing so.
The SMBC AD Speak Up Hotline is managed on the EthicsPoint platform, an external reporting tool administered by specialist third-party provider NAVEX, You may submit a report through the telephone hotline, for which SMBC AD provides country-specific toll-free numbers, or through an online reporting form. The telephone operators are specially trained for this purpose and will refer your concerns to SMBC AD on a confidential basis. The Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Reports will be treated confidentially, to the extent possible in our performance of an appropriate review and subject to applicable laws.
You may report anonymously, where permitted by local law, or you may choose to identify yourself.
You can raise your concern without fear of reprisal. SMBC AD strictly prohibits retaliation against anyone who raises a concern in good faith.