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To Make a New Report

After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.

EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service:
Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.

Speak Up! at Fortive

Our Commitment. Speak Up! at Fortive is both a culture and a process. We work together to promote an ethical workplace. That means speaking up about issues and concerns that could harm our company’s reputation or jeopardize the good work we’re doing.

Everyday Actions. We are Courageous. As employees, we face problems head on and promptly report any behavior that we believe violates our Core Values or our Code, knowing that Fortive will not tolerate direct or indirect retaliation against any employee or those who assist an employee in reporting.

Take Responsibility. If you have questions about the right thing to do, or if you see something indicating a possible violation of the Code, any company policy or procedure, or any law or regulation, talk to your manager or any of these other resources, who will escalate the concern:

  • Another manager or supervisor
  • The Human Resources, Legal or Compliance team at your OpCo or Fortive
  • Fortive Internal Audit staff
  • Other reporting channels listed on this website once a country is selected

At any point, you may contact Speak Up!, a resource you can reach online or via phone to raise a concern 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Dedicated phone staff speak over 20 languages, and you may report anonymously, unless prohibited by local law. Concerns raised to Speak Up! will be handled promptly by the Global team, which includes Fortive and OpCo Legal/Compliance and assigned investigator(s), along with HR where appropriate. The existence and the details of an internal report and the details of any related investigation will be kept confidential and shared only with those authorized to access the concern and in accordance with applicable law. Fortive absolutely prohibits retaliation of any kind against anyone who makes a report or participates in an investigation.

Although Speak Up! is always available, there may be some issues that are best addressed with your manager or Human Resources first, such as performance management and employee relations matters.

If you are a supplier, contractor, former or future employee, family member of an employee, customer, external business partner, or other external party and you have a concern or become aware of potential misconduct at Fortive or its Operating Companies, the Speak Up! resources are also available for your use.

We encourage all employees to first raise their concerns internally via the reporting channels set out on the Speak Up! website. However, nothing in our Code of Conduct or policies prevents employees or others from reporting any potential violations of law or regulations directly to the relevant external competent authorities.

See the EthicsPoint FAQs for more information.

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