Our Commitment
Bazaarvoice is an organization with strong values of responsibility and integrity. Our Bazaarvoice Code of Business Conduct & Ethics and Bazaarvoice Core Values contain general guidelines for conducting business with the highest standards of ethics.
Bazaarvoice is committed to an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. We want you to feel comfortable in approaching your supervisor or management in instances where you believe violations of policies or standards have occurred.
In situations where you prefer to place an anonymous report in confidence, you are encouraged to use this hotline, hosted by a third party hotline provider, EthicsPoint. You are encouraged to submit reports relating to violations stated in our Bazaarvoice Code of Business Conduct & Ethics and Bazaarvoice Core Values, as well as asking for guidance related to policies and procedure and providing positive suggestions and stories.
The information you provide will be sent to us by EthicsPoint on a totally confidential and anonymous basis if you should choose. You have our guarantee that your comments will be heard.
See the EthicsPoint FAQs for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
EthicsPoint is an on-line portal for reporting integrity and ethical concerns. EthicsPoint is staffed by a live operator from an independent company (NAVEX Global), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. NAVEX Global is a leading provider of corporate ethics and compliance programs and hotlines worldwide and manages EthicsPoint to ensure independence and objectivity.
Calls or web-based reports are free, confidential and may be made anonymously. (The Ethicspoint system is structured to be compliant with applicable EU and in-country regulations regarding whistleblower hotlines and data protection.) Operators are equipped to take these calls and web-based reports in all primary languages of the countries in which we operate or do business. The operator or reporter will relay the information to Bazaarvoice’s EthicsPoint distribution list and will provide you with a case number and call back date if desired.
IIt is important to promptly report any situation which may violate the law or Company policy – whether you are involved in the situation or not. It is generally advised that you first report a suspected violation to your supervisor. If this is not a viable option, report it to your supervisor’s manager, People and Talent, Legal or EthicsPoint. In addition, you can always email ethics@bazaarvoice.com.
We encourage you to provide full information and your name in order to facilitate a complete investigation. We may not be able to investigate some matters, such as allegations of sexual harassment, without such information. Do not, however, investigate a situation on your own. Investigations may involve complex legal issues and acting on one’s own may compromise the integrity of the investigation or adversely affect Bazaarvoice and its employees.
Reports are entered directly on the EthicsPoint secure server to prevent any possible breach in security. EthicsPoint makes these reports available only to specific individuals within Bazaarvoice who are charged with evaluating the report, based on the type of violation and location of the incident. Each of these report recipients has had training in keeping these reports in the utmost confidence.
The EthicsPoint system is designed for employees to report any violation of our stated Code of Conduct or Bazaarvoice policy; ask any question regarding our Code of Conduct or Bazaarvoice policy; or, report other concerns you may have.
Bazaarvoice does not discriminate or retaliate against any person who asks questions or makes a good faith report of a suspected violation of law, the Code of Conduct or any ethics and compliance related policy or procedure. Likewise, retaliation against anyone who participates in an investigation will not be tolerated. A team member who believes that he or she has experienced retaliation for making a report or assisting in an investigation must report this as soon as possible using any of reporting mechanisms, including, but not limited to, ethics@bazaarvoice.com or EthicsPoint.
More Frequestly Asked Questions