Shiloh’s Mission is to consistently deliver value-creating, sustainable lightweighting solutions through team excellence and world-class customer service to the global transportation community. The I-CARE program supports our mission through the advancement of our core values of Integrity and Trust, and by facilitating an effective compliance and business ethics program. The Shiloh Code of Conduct serves as a fundamental piece of our I-CARE program, aligning our business practices with our core values and the law.
Shiloh is committed to fostering an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. The Code of Conduct supports that expectation through our open door policy, through which all employees can report instances in which violations of laws, policies or standards may, or have, occurred. The Code also reinforces Shiloh’s prohibition of retaliation, protecting employees who bring concerns forward in good faith from any adverse action.
Despite this open door culture, situations can arise in which an employee may wish to place an anonymous report in confidence. In these instances, employees should use this hotline, hosted by a third-party hotline provider, EthicsPoint. Employees can submit reports and communicate issues and concerns related to any actual, or potential, violations. In addition, the EthicsPoint platform provides an opportunity for employees to request guidance related to policies, procedures, or suggestions related to issue escalation and resolution.
The information provided to EthicsPoint is summarized and delivered to a small, team of Shiloh leaders who are authorized to receive these reports in a completely confidential manner. You have Shiloh leadership’s and EthicsPoint’s guarantee that your comments will be heard, and that any anonymity requested will be maintained.
See the EthicsPoint FAQs for more information.