Farm Credit Bank of Texas is an organization with strong values of responsibility and integrity. Our Code of Ethics contain general guidelines for conducting business with the highest standards of ethics. In order to promote ethical conduct, we maintain an Ethics Helpline through the use of EthicsPoint™, an anonymous and confidential reporting system provided by third-party vendor NAVEX, as an alternative channel of communication for reporting suspected or actual misconduct and concerns.
While we want employees to feel comfortable in approaching their supervisor or management with concerns, we recognize that there may be situations where an employee prefers to place an anonymous report via the Ethics Helpline. Employees, business partners, vendors, customers and third parties may use the Ethics Helpline to anonymously report concerns or to ask for guidance about the following:
Submissions via the Ethics Helpline are kept in confidence and investigated. Individuals making a report will have the option to remain anonymous and will be advised if additional information is required before an effective investigation can take place. Farm Credit Bank of Texas will not tolerate any form of retaliation against anyone who raises concerns in good faith or who aids in an investigation.
See the EthicsPoint FAQs for more information.
EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service:
Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.
You may use either of the following two methods to submit a report:
After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.