JPMorgan Chase & Co. Conduct Hotline

At JPMorgan Chase & Co. (“JPMC”), preserving our strong ethical culture is a top priority. It is important for us to speak up when something doesn’t look or feel right. If you have a concern or know of a potential violation please report it through the JPMorgan Chase Conduct Hotline.

Frequently Asked Questions

About EthicsPoint

What is EthicsPoint?

EthicsPoint is a comprehensive and confidential reporting tool created by NAVEX to assist management and employees work together in addressing fraud, abuse, and other misconduct in the workplace, all while cultivating a positive work environment.

Why do we need a system like EthicsPoint?

We believe that our employees are our most important asset. By creating open channels of communication, we can promote a positive work environment and maximize productivity.

Public traded companies are required by law to have an anonymous reporting vehicle to address accounting and auditing fraud directly to the audit committee. An effective reporting system will augment our other efforts to foster a culture of integrity and ethical decision-making.

About The JPMC Conduct Hotline

What is the JPMC Conduct Hotline?

The JPMC Conduct Hotline is channel for employees customers, vendors or clients to raise conduct concerns if they see, hear or suspect something isn’t quite right and/or goes against our firmwide Code of Conduct. The Conduct Hotline is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with the option to submit inquiries by phone, online, or mobile.

Why is the JPMC Conduct Hotline important?

The JPMC Conduct Hotline is important because integrity, fairness and accountability are the cornerstone of everything we do. The JPMC Code of Conduct is our shared commitment to preserve and build upon these values, to maintain exceptional relationships with our customers, shareholders, each other and our communities. It is the basic foundation of what it means to be a JPMC employee.

The JPMC Conduct Hotline provides an easy way for you to get in touch with us right away if you see, hear or suspect that something isn’t right in your interactions with customers, vendors, clients or another employee. There’s no retaliation for raising a possible concern and you may choose to remain anonymous in most cases (unless otherwise required by law in your location).

If I raise a concern, should I be worried about retaliation?

No. At JPMC, we count on our employees to be our eyes and ears and you don’t need to be worried about speaking up to share a conduct concern. Our firmwide policy strictly prohibits intimidation or retaliation against anyone who contacts us in good faith to share a potential or actual violation of our Code of Conduct, or anyone who assists us in looking into an inquiry. If you’re ever concerned about possible retaliatory action, report it immediately to your manager, Human Resources or the Conduct Hotline.

If I raise a conduct concern, will my manager, teammates and other employees find out?

When you share a concern with us, we are committed to handling the matter discreetly. We will only involve those absolutely necessary to review and/or remediate the matter. In some instances, you may choose to remain anonymous when reporting a concern, however, you should keep in mind that you cannot be retaliated against for contacting us in good faith to share a concern.

Reporting – General

How do I raise a concern through the JPMC Conduct Hotline?

You can raise a concern by phone, online or mobile. If calling by phone, a third-party team member will speak with you to understand your concern. If reporting online or mobile, you can expect to hear from someone within two business days.

Can I remain anonymous?

In most cases you have the ability to file a confidential, anonymous report (unless otherwise required by law in your location). If you choose to remain anonymous, please provide as much detailed information as possible so a thorough review of the concern can take place.

What are some examples of the types of conduct concerns I should report?

Contact the JPMC Conduct Hotline if:

  • You or someone else has been subjected to unfair treatment, bullying, harassment, discrimination or a violation of policy/law; and/or
  • Something was said in the workplace that makes you feel uncomfortable (e.g., a comment about something in the media, a protected class, politics, etc.).
  • You have witnessed or have information that someone in our firm may have done something that violates our Code of Conduct

What are the channels I can use to report a conduct violation?

If you observe behavior that you believe violates our Code of Conduct, you can report it to your direct manager, management team, and/or the Conduct Hotline.

Do I have to report a JPMC Policy violation?

We all have the right to work in a positive environment and with that right comes the responsibility of acting in an ethical manner and taking the necessary actions to bring forward a concern if someone is not behaving appropriately. By working together, we can maintain a healthy and productive environment. Corporate misconduct can threaten the livelihood of an entire company.

How does my report help the firm?

We believe problems don’t age well, and we want to know where there may be issues so we can address them. When you raise a conduct concern, your input may help us identify issues that can improve our culture and work environment.

Where do conduct reports go? Who can access them?

When you contact the Conduct Hotline, a report is entered directly into an independent third-party secure system to prevent any possible breach in security. The report is then made available only to a case partner within the firm who is charged with evaluating it, based on the type of violation and location of the incident. The case partner has had training in keeping these reports in the utmost confidence. For more information about what happens when you raise a conduct concern, view our overview.

Who reviews a conduct concern?

An internal case partner who has had extensive training on our Code of Conduct and how to resolve reported issues will be assigned to each reported concern. The case partner will thoroughly review the concern, only discreetly involving those parties necessary to bring it to resolution.

If I’m contacted about a conduct concern, do I have to answer questions and/or provide information, if I’m asked to do so?

Yes. If someone has contacted the Conduct Hotline with a concern, you are required to participate as necessary as we thoroughly look into the concern.

What are the possible outcomes after a concern has been thoroughly reviewed?

Depending on the severity of the concern and what the review has revealed, outcomes can range from no action to education and coaching to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Reporting Security & Confidentiality

It is my understanding that the firm monitors all activity on company computers. Does this mean if I raise a conduct concern from my work computer, I’ll easily be identified as someone who made a report?

All Conduct Hotline reports go to a third-party that does not generate or maintain internal records with the source of the referral, including IP addresses and phone numbers, so no information linking your work computer to a report is available.

If you feel uncomfortable making a report on your work computer, you also have the option of using a computer outside our work environment (such as your personal computer or one located at a friend’s house, etc.) or through the mobile connection. It’s not unusual to report a concern after business hours.

Can I raise a concern from home and still choose to remain anonymous?

A report from home, a friend’s computer, or any Internet or mobile portal will remain secure and you have the option to remain anonymous (unless otherwise required by law in your location).

Is the telephone toll-free hotline confidential and anonymous too?

Yes. You will be asked to provide the same information that you would provide in an Internet or mobile-based report and an interviewer will type your responses into the system. These reports have the same security and confidentiality measures applied to them as Internet and mobile reports, and you may choose to remain anonymous (unless otherwise required by law in your location).

What if I want to be identified with my report?

Most employees that report concerns do identify themselves. This is helpful to gain useful information, identify witnesses and have additional detailed interviews in order to fully review a concern.

Tips & Best Practices

I am not sure if what I have observed or heard is a violation of firm policy, or involves unethical conduct, but it just does not seem right to me. What should I do?

Contact the JPMC Conduct Hotline so that the concern can be properly reviewed. We would rather have employees report a situation that turns out to be harmless than let possible inappropriate behavior go unchecked because you weren't sure.

What if I remember something important about the incident after I report my concern? Or what if the firm has further questions for me about my report?

When you contact the Conduct Hotline you receive a unique user name and are asked to choose a password. You can then return to the Hotline system, access the original report and add more detail and/or answer follow-up questions posed by a firm representative. You’ll be provided guidance on timing to return to the system to answer questions.

Are follow-up questions on reports secure?

Yes. All contact is held in the same strict confidence as the initial report, continuing under the umbrella of anonymity if you choose to do so (unless otherwise required by law in your location).