Ethics and Compliance Helpline
Notice! The Equinix Ethics and Compliance Helpline is managed and hosted by EthicsPoint for independent online and telephone helpline services. It is not part of the Equinix website or intranet, and it is not staffed by any Equinix employee. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Report a Concern

Welcome to the Equinix Ethics and Compliance Helpline, independently hosted by EthicsPoint. Before you start your report through this website or by telephone, we suggest you gather your notes, and any documents that you may wish to upload into your report. Once you start entering information, you will not be able to save an incomplete version of the report and return to it. Instead, you must complete and submit the report to save the information you entered, and then you can return to it in the Follow up page to add information or documents. See FAQs for further guidance.

Reports may be made anonymously through this helpline where legally permitted. Equinix treats reported concerns with sensitivity to confidence, and encourages anonymous reporters to return to the submitted report to check for follow-up questions and provide further information. You can also follow up later and identify yourself if you choose to do so. Identifying yourself could save time and help Equinix obtain the facts and review the situation properly. See FAQs for further guidance.

Reporting may be limited by local laws, for example, to certain categories of individuals, or to certain topics such as financial issues. If you receive notice of a restriction while making your report that prevents you from completing it, you may seek guidance on appropriate reporting channels or share your concern with the Equinix Ethics and Compliance Office at

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