Wichita State University has selected EthicsPoint, an independent provider of hotline services, to provide you with a simple and anonymous way to report your concerns concerning the following compliance areas: (1) federal contracts, including subcontracts with private companies; (2) research or testing services performed by or on behalf of the National Institute of Aviation Research (NIAR); (3) research or testing services that are funded in whole or in part by a state or federal grant or administered by the Office of Research Compliance; (4) human trafficking; business code of ethics; and (5) export controls. EthicsPoint is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and offers multi-lingual translators. To submit a report online or via telephone, or to follow up on an existing report, please visit wichitastate.ethicspoint.com. Alternatively, if you wish to report a concern via phone, please dial the toll-free hotline at 844-724-5631.
Wichita State University is committed to conducting its academic and administrative responsibilities in an ethical manner and in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, and University policy. The University not only expects, but depends on you to share in this responsibility through the reporting of concerns which involve possible noncompliance with policy or unethical behavior.
The University Hotline is a reporting tool to assist the University in its efforts to address fraud, abuse, misconduct and other violations, while helping to cultivate a positive environment. The reporting system is built to protect the identity of the reporter and provide a formal mechanism for investigation, follow-up and response.
The University Hotline is not a substitute for existing reporting channels already established by the University. This service is provided merely as an additional means of reporting, especially when maintaining the reporter’s confidentiality is important. The University encourage you to continue resolving disputes through established channels of communication first, whenever possible.
Reporting concerns is a service to the University and will not jeopardize your employment. We expect that reports will be made in good faith to address legitimate issues or concerns. For more information regarding the University’s policy on retaliation, please see Prohibition of Retaliation.
The Hotline is NOT to be used in case of emergencies. For emergencies, DIAL 911 or the University Police Department at 316.978.3450
For frequently asked questions regarding the University Hotline, please click here.
You may use either of the following two methods to submit a report:
After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.
OBSERVATION: Have you observed a possible violation of laws, regulations, University policy, or unethical behavior as it relates to one of the areas identified to the left?
DISCUSS YOUR CONCERN WITH YOUR DEPARTMENT CHAIR OR SUPERVISOR: Contact your department chair or supervisor for guidance about your concern OR, if you are uncomfortable with this approach or wish to remain anonymous, or if all avenues have been exhausted and you have not received a sufficient response, see Step 3.
SUBMIT A REPORT TO THE WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY HOTLINE: Submit a report online or via telephone at 844-724-5631.